32. Garbage Headlines

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[ edited 11 Dec 2015 ]

You know that moment when you read a book or watch a movie, and the main girl is stuck between this two amazing guys and you're wondering how she can choose between them, but somehow she does? Or when the second guy in the picture is this amazing guy, really nice compared to the arrogant lead, and you wonder why she didn't chose the second guy?

I, amazingly discovered the answer to that mystery of life question when I kissed Tyler O'Brien.


When we kissed, it felt... different. I felt different. And not in a good, gushing way.

All I thought during that six seconds long kiss was that, 'He was not Dylan!'

And that ladies and gentleman, is how I knew I needed to check into the nearest psych ward.

In what world did Alex Hunt want to be kissed by Dylan 'Sir Jerks-A-Lot' Rush?

Apparently, this one. Maybe, pigs really do fly.

When we pulled apart, I felt embarrassed and sad that I didn't enjoy it.

Tyler was a good person. A great person actually. He was the very epitome of a perfect boyfriend. Any parent would be happy to let their daughter date him. He was the kind of guy that most girls dreamt about after reading the perfect guy in books. Perfect guys like Aaron Anderson Warner from Shatter Me or Max Shreave from The Selection, or the guy Taylor Swift sang about in The Way I Loved You. He was the type of guy that called you as soon as you reached home to make sure you got home safe, or the type of guy that you could talk to until the early hours of the morning about nothing and everything.

But, like Taylor Swift in The Way I Loved You, I didn't like him, the nice guy. No, silly, mentally disabled me, wanted the arrogant jackass.

"I do," I muttered silently as it dawned. "I do like him." Tears streamed down my face.

Tyler laughed softly. "See? It took me kissing you for you to face the fact."

I nodded. "This can't be happening"

"Alex, don't worry about it. Relax. Don't cry."

"I don't want to be those idiot girls that picks the jerk over the nice guy!"

"But you are. And it's not a bad thing, Alex. It's good. You like him. There must be something likeable about him," Tyler rubbed my back slowly.

"I... I don't want to be like mom, Tyler. I can't go through that."

"Is that what you're worried about?" He sounded amused.

I glared at him softly.

He burst out laughing. "As much as Dylan's an arrogant ass, he's the kindest arrogant ass out there, Alex. You have my word. He won't abandon you."

"I don't want...."

"He's not Flynn, Alex. He's not. And if you don't tell him how you feel..." Tyler gave me a devious smile. "I'll tell him myself."

"It's none of your business, O'Brien."

"Okay. But tell him. Just give him a chance to decide. Don't decide for him whether he'll abandon you or not. It's not fair, okay?"

I got up. "Let's go. Filming starts soon."

Even though he knew I was being a coward, Tyler didn't say anything as I got up and exited the restaurant.

* * *

A shrill ring woke me up from my sleep. I grab my phone, still half in the world of the unconscious.

A text from Amelia.

Check this out. Now!

She attached several news articles with the message.

I clicked on the first one.

The headline brought me well into the world of the living like a cold bucket of water.


Right below the headline were pictures of me and Tyler from yesterday. One was when he kissed me on the cheek followed by when he'd kissed me on the lips.

How did they get this?

Co stars, Tyler O'Brien and up and coming actress Alexandria Hunt were spotted yesterday having lunch at Italias. The two were clearly in the PDA mood as Tyler places small kisses on his costar's cheek before planting one right on the lips.

Alex had been rumored to be in a relationship with teen heartthrob Dylan Rush, but she was actually dating the mega star's cousin.

All three of the talented youngster's are currently filming Declan Tate's new project Rushed.

How can three small paragraphs of speculation be so full of garbage?

Granted, the pictures were hard evidence, but no one really knew the story behind those pictures.


Just as if that hadn't ruined my day enough my phone started ringing nonstop.

The first one was from Declan, demanding an explanation. I explained that Tyler and I were practicing for our kiss scene. Thankfully he believed me. The next one was from my mom, saying she believed me no matter what. Then after that it was from reporters, all asking the same question. Which cousin did I prefer?

How did they even get my number?

Determined to run it off, I got up and pulled on my running shorts and shoes.

Just as I walked into the living room, expecting Dylan to be getting ready to for his morning run, I see the note on my bedside table.

Thought you like Korean food best. Guess I don't really know you, Hunt.


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