16. Silencing the Mistress

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New feature here - a scene from the Movie... (In the script)



[ edited 6 Dec 2015 ]

If you told me two weeks ago that I'd be sitting at a Starbucks in Los Angeles drinking a caramel machiatto with a movie star, I'd have laughed in your face before calling the nearest psychiatric clinic. For you, of course.

If you told me then that that so called movie star was a Dylan Rush, I'd have replied with a confused, "Who's that?" Which undoubtedly would have caused you to laugh. After all, everyone knew who Dylan Rush is. Everyone except me.

If you told me that we would be glaring at each other, I would have given you a high-five and an "Of course we will be" before I smiled.

After all, all movie stars were overpaid liars that had nothing in their heads except how to extract money from individuals of the public, and lacked any sense of commitment. All movie stars except Dave Franco of course!

Well, in spite of the 'ifs' and the absurdity of this situation, there I was. Sitting across Sir Jerks-A-Lot aka Dylan Rush, a movie star in a Starbucks in Los Angeles, drinking a caramel machiatto and glaring at him in between sips.

This time, as always, he had on a pair of shades and a beanie on, and I could only conclude it was his disguise.

I scoffed when I'd seen it. Did people actually fall for the whole disguise?

"Where's your lawyer, Hunt?" He whispered low enough for only us to hear. His eyes darted around the café and kept a lookout for anyone that recognized him.

"I don't have one," I answered simply, looking him in the eye, or in his case in the shades.

He chuckled darkly as if my statement was absurd before a scowl formed. "What do you mean 'you don't have one'?"

Well, he was an idiot! "Exactly that, Gregory. I do not have a lawyer."

He laughed like he found something funny in my statement. "How can you not have one? What do you do when you get into trouble or run into the nearest 7/11?"

I stared at him bewildered, and waiting for him to break into laughter and tell me he was kidding, but no, judging by his arched brow and serious face, he wasn't kidding. "I do community service like any normal person. Besides, who would be stupid enough to run into a store?"

He looked like he wanted to say more but thought twice of it. "Okay, fine. But everyone I know has a lawyer on hand."

"Yes, and everyone I know is too broke to think of hiring someone to keep them out of trouble," I replied. "We can't all be rich and spoiled, Gregory."

He scrunched his brows together, before glaring at me. "Don't call me that."

"Why not? It's your name, right?" I smiled innocently. Calling him 'Gregory' seemed to piss him off. "Which makes me wonder," I watched his profile. He was tensed. "Why does the whole world call you Dylan? It looks like no one even knows your name is Gregory, Gregory."

He looked around cautiously again, pausing by the three teenage girls sitting two tables over. He looked relieved when they didn't even notice him. Then he leaned in and whispered, "Keep it down, Hunt. Damn, you're frustrating."

Rushed (Hate at First Flight #1) ✔️Where stories live. Discover now