Prologue - PJM

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The ticking of the clock became unbearable as it drowned the sound of his harsh breathing. The man laid on the cold stone floor of the dark cell whimpering softly as he prayed for a quick death. He could hear the footsteps near him and he shamelessly wished for those men to quickly shoot him between his eyes or carve his heart out. 

All he wanted was not to die in the hand of the boy who was the reason why he was there bruised and bleeding on the dirty and cold floor of the cell. The boy who had the kindest smile, the warmest pair of dark brown eyes, and skin as fair as snow and as clear as crystal. All he could do was sob at his misery and the state he was in because of his want. The only want in his life became the nightmare he couldn’t escape from.

He winced as the door screeched open and a short boy hopped in with a wide smile on his face and his eyes twinkling. The moment those twinkling eyes landed on him, the smile on his mouth became wider and a giggle escaped from his mouth involuntarily.

“Oops!” The boy said as he skipped towards the man and squatted down in front of him. His small fingers traced over the cuts on his face and pressed harder on a fresh cut making the man whimper in pain.

“Does it hurt?” The boy asked, his voice as sweet as the nectar from a freshly bloomed flower and the man grunted in pain when the boy’s finger pressed harder than before.

“Can you please answer me?” The sweet voice asked and the man grunted a yes making the boy giggle harder.

“Poor dear Mr. Kang. You wanted to be a hero didn’t you? Heroes are bad, Mr. Kang. Heroes are cruel. No one wants to be a hero. Yet here you are wanting to be a hero. My heart aches for you.” The boy said and the man looked at the boy’s appearance. He was wearing a light blue sweater with a pair of white jeans. His blonde hair was fluffed up and parted in the middle and made him resemble a cute puppy. His eyes were cresents hiding those chocolate brown orbs, those orbs dripping with kindness and warmth or that is what Mr. Kang thought when he first saw the boy.

“I like you Mr. Kang. That’s why I am gifting you with something I don’t give often.” The boy said and the man felt relief  pass through him when the boy straightened up and wiped his blood stained fingers on his pants. The man saw how the boy’s nose scrunched when he noticed the stain on his white pants and almost felt his heart melt at the sight.

“I am giving you mercy, Mr. Kang.” The boy said and before the man could respond a bullet pierced right through his heart, snatching his life away from him in a second. The boy watched the man’s eyes die out and walked out the cell twirling the bright pink revolver on his fingers. He giggled as he skipped down the hallway towards the exit, pressing a soft kiss to his revolver’s handle.


“Mr. Kim, all I am asking for is some more time. Kitty Gang will be in our custody before christmas.” The young officer said and left the room not before closing the door with a bang. The man behind the table couldn’t help but chuckle at the young officer’s attitude and took his phone out with a sigh. He really did like officer Han but he knew that he had no other choice but to see him turn up in a body bag. He quickly dialed a number and heard a very cheery greeting from the other side.

“Hello Hyung! What’s up? I just now killed that officer Kang who decided to be a hero. When will these officers learn that heroes are bad?” A sweet voice asked him, making the man smile warmly.

“Jiminie, calm down. It is 10 in the morning baby and you started your day with a murder. I have told you to schedule all your killings in the evening, haven't I?” The man asked and when he heard a whimper from the other side, he immediately cooed in response.

“Jiminie baby, please don’t cry. Joonie is sorry. Hyung just wants you to have a healthy and refreshing morning routine. I will take Jiminie out for ice cream once I come back, okay?” The man asked and sighed in relief when he heard a giggle in response.

“Taetae will join us, right?” The boy asked and the man chuckled at the boy. “Of course, baby. How can we leave behind your brother?” The man said and disconnected the call with a wide smile plastered on his face. He could imagine the twinkle behind the boy’s eyes when he mentioned Ice Cream in his conversation. 

With a small smile playing on his lips, the man went back to the files on his desk.


“Jiminie, I will call you as soon as I reach Daegu” The man shouted and walked out of the door only to stop in his tracks when he felt a pair of arms wrap around his torso. He could feel the small body of his brother press against his back and he turned around to face the boy who had tears streaming down his cheeks.

“Joonie Hyung promised me that he will take us out for ice cream in the evening. Please stay back till hyung comes back home. You know how much I hate being alone.” The boy cried as the man wrapped his arms around the crying boy. 

“Taetae will be home tomorrow morning baby and I will take you shopping as soon as I am back, okay?” The man asked and saw the boy’s face brighten at the mention of shopping.

“Promise?” The boy asked and the man chuckled at him.

“I promise you, sweetheart.” The man said and wiped the tear tracks with the pad of his thumb. 

“Please don’t kill anyone till I return home” The man said and walked toward the sleek Porsche waiting for him only to stop when he felt a tug on his coat.

“Take thunderbird, not your pegasus. Thunderbird is fresh out of service and it will make me feel better if you fly in it.” The boy said and the man ruffled his fluffy blonde hair and climbed into his car. He ignored the tug on his heart indicating that he forgot something and drove past the gate. When he was about to turn around the corner the thing he forgot flashed on his head with red highlights and he pressed the break in an instance. He turned back and drove back to the house and felt his heart tug painfully when he saw the short boy standing on the porch with a pout on his face. He climbed out of the car and rushed to the boy who looked at him with glassy eyes.

“You forgot, didn’t you?” The boy asked and the man apologised immediately. He bent down to give the boy a soft kiss on his forehead and smiled when he saw the boy grin at him. With a promise that he will be back soon, he drove to the airport.


The man watched the scene with no expression or emotion on his face. No one would ever guess that the fluffy haired boy with twinkling eyes was capable of ruthlessly murdering ten men in the blink of an eye. He couldn’t help but wonder how this boy with eyes dripping with kindness, heart as pure as gold could twirl a revolver in one hand while stabbing someone in the  heart with the other hand. 

No one would guess that this angel was the one who killed and murdered brutally and cruelly and not his stone faced brother. Taehyung was into business and not into murder nor was Namjoon who was the Commissioner of the Seoul Police Department but it was the angel who loved to take his revenge.

He knew how pampered this boy was by those two scary looking men who loved him as if he was their own blood. He knew what made this angel rebel and fall and felt his heart ache for the boy. His face immediately morphed into a smile when he saw the boy walk towards him with a smile.

“Yoongi hyung, will you join me and Joonie hyung for a cup of ice cream? Tae was supposed to join us but he is off to Daegu.” The boy asked and Yoongi immediately nodded his head at him.

“Sure Jiminie, I would love to join you.” The man said and the boy skipped down the hallway yelling about how he was going to wear the sweater he brought when he shopped with his hyungs the previous weekend.

The man took the stairs that led to the cells in the underground to clear the mess the boy created and almost laughed when he saw that it was messier than the previous murder. park Jimin was turning cruel at every sunset and Min Yoongi couldn’t even imagine the horror the world would be in if Park Jimin was unleashed into the world. 

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