Chapter Six

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“Do you think dad would have accepted us if he knew that all of his offsprings are gay?” Taehyung wondered loudly as he sat beside Jimin’s bed. 

The private room was quite luxurious with the hospital cot in the centre of the room along with a queen sized bed right next to it for those who accompanied the patient. The room had a L-shaped couch to welcome visitors and a small dining table on one corner while a huge four-doored wardrobe took over one of its walls. Instead of watching the huge flatscreen to pass the time, Taehyung opted to reveal his deepest secrets to the unconscious boy. 

“Yes I am gay Minnie and you wouldn’t believe me when I say that I met a man who looked so beautiful that the moon would look dull beside him whereas the sun would be nothing but a dim ball of light when compared to him. The moment you are out of this wretched place, I will drag you straight to him and I am absolutely convinced that you would love him the second you meet him.” Taehyung blabbered as he held his brother’s small hands in his larger ones.

Jimin has always been small and tiny, a factor adored by his brother. Even though his brother was a huge figure in the business world as well as the underground empire, he was still their tiny Minnie whom they swore to protect from any sort of evil in the world. His brother was scary as hell but for them he was the five year old boy who stayed with Taehyung during rainstorms and assembled puzzle pieces and solved murder mysteries with Namjoon, and that was the only reason why the Kim brothers were always protective over their youngest sibling. 

“And why the hell are you with that sleep paralysis demon when you could have any man in this world, brother? He is reckless, stupid and most importantly have no personal regard over his life. Still-” Taehyung stopped and let out a heavy sigh as he tightened his hold over his brother’s hands. “I think he loves you, Jimin. I think Min Yoongi, the man with a clockwork heart, is in love with you.” Taehyung breathed out and turned his gaze away from his unconscious brother to the clock mounted on the wall.

The door opened, breaking his train of thoughts, and his elder brother walked in with Yoongi tagging along with him. Namjoon looked around the room and let out a low whistle when he finally took in the interior completely. 

“Kim enterprises do have one of the best healthcare facilities in the world. A queen sized bed and L-shaped couches, I am sure that this room costs a fortune.” Namjoon said as he settled comfortably on the couch. 

“Says the man who owns the facility.” Yoongi scoffed as he dragged a chair and settled on the other side of the hospital cot. Taehyung, even though he despised the idea, got up from the chair to give the mint haired man his privacy and joined Namjoon who, by now, was sprawled on the couch.

Yoongi carded his finger through those silky blonde locks and he silently begged for the boy to open his eyes and look at him with those alluring brown eyes that never failed to bring him to his knees. Yoongi wanted to tell Jimin how much he meant to him or express the way how his heart raced whenever those inviting lips curved into a smile that kept Yoongi from falling back into the dark pits of his past.

With his free hand he took Jimin’s hands and brought them closer to his lips and planted soft butterfly kisses over his palms. 

“I cried today. I cried when those doctors wheeled you away from me. I cried when I thought about a world without you in it. I cried when I realized that there was nothing in this world that would replace you. I didn’t cry when that bastard dragged my mother by her hair over the liquor stained floors of our house. I didn’t cry when I saw him cheat on my mother in front of her own eyes. I didn’t even cry when he drove that broken piece of glass through her throat nor did I when you fired that cursed bullet that took his life away in milliseconds. But I cried over a bullet wound in your shoulders and I am sure that this is your thirteenth bullet wound. If this isn’t love I don’t know what to call this feeling in my heart, Jimin.” Yoongi whispered against Jimin’s palms and clasped both his hands over it, engulfing Jimin’s small hands with his veiny ones. 

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