Back Story

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My name is Aurelia Lyra Malfoy. I am a pureblood witch in my fourth year at Hogwarts. I was placed in Slytherin my first year, it was not a surprise to anyone except for me. The slight chance that i could be placed in something else gave me hope, i definetly thought that i was going to be placed in Ravenclaw but here i am. As you can tell by my last name i am Draco Malfoy's sister and the daughter of Narcissa and Lucius Malfoy. Oh what a joy to have this golden last name, i mean how could you not just love it. I am a year above the loved Golden Trio consisting of the one and only Harry Potter, Ron Weasley, and Hermione Granger.

I've grown up in a house that has always been made quiet. This made me learn from a very early age never to talk back to my father. We were never allowed to run around and play or heaven forbid have a toy that made any noise. I spent most of my time in the Manor's library that has four floors and is full of thousands of books. If you look in the right places you can even find some hidden muggle books that I got from my Uncle Sirius when I was really young. I did not have much time with him before he got sent to Azkaban, but the time that i did have with him we were extremely close. No one, not even Draco, knows about this because my family disowned him a long time ago. Growing up in the Manor has always been hard but having Draco with me there makes it so much better. We're both very close to our mother. On days when my father was out on bussiness she would let us scream and run around the manor. We even had a few extremely loud dance parties in the middle of the foyer. It was always just my mum, Draco, and i on these days, and they will forever be some of my fondest memories growing up. They may even be my only fondest memories growing up.

My relationship with Draco will always be strong, he is the only person i've ever cried infront of and vice versa. I get mad at him a lot during the school year because he acts like a completely different person, and that person happens to be our father. It's sad because i know that he is nothing like that. Draco is the sweetest, kindest, and most gentle person that i have ever meet. I guess that does not really mean much since i grew up with death eaters. I can not really blame Draco though, our father has always been very abussive to him not only mentally but also physically. Lucius has never really hit me but he definetly still is mentally abussive. However, our aunt Bellatrix has some sort of extreme hatred towards me. She always yells at me for the smallest of things and loves to rough me up. She says that one day i will thank her for her beatings, however, i highly doubt that i will ever thank her for giving me a numerous amount of scars all over my body. I think that going through this kind of a childhood is what made Draco and i so close. It was like we knew not many other kids our age would understand what we were going through and we knew that we would always have each other's back. I tried to take some beatings away from Draco when he was younger because i am his older sister it is my job to protect him. But as he got older and bigger than me he refused to let me take his punishments. It made me feel weak but i knew that it made him feel even worse watching me take his punishments.

Most of the time growing up you would find me reading or practicing spells. I swear that you will never find me without a book in my hand. They are a way for me to escape my life and to put myself into another life. I also spent a lot of time outside, i've always felt a really strong connection to the earth and everything that involves nature. It was like the outdoors was a magnet that always pulled me to it. I love the smell of the outdoors, the very essence of nature makes me happy. I would study a lot outsides in our garden. By the time i was eleven years old i could successfully produce my patronum. It took me a while because it was hard to bring my happiest memory to light when i felt like i was always surrounded by darkness. A lot of me being so good with spells and potions has to do with Snape. From an early age we were very close and he would always give me new books everytime he saw me. He taught me numerous spells before i even reached Hogwarts. Snape would often take Draco and i on trips across Europe touring libraries and museums full of both muggle and wizarding artifacts. He is part of the reason that i am so involved in reading and artwork.

My mother is the reason that i have a connection with music. Most people do not know this about me but i can sing and dance very well. When i was around five i found her playing this incredibly beautiful song on our black grand piano and i was so uterly consummed by it. Just the sight of seeing the piano nowadays gives me the biggest stress relief. Sometimes my mum and i will sit in the living room together. She will sit on our green couch by the fireplace and i will sit infront of the piano and play for her. This was how we would sit for hours. She would have this look on her face of serenity and it would make me happy seeing her this way. I know that she loves my father dearly, but sometimes i think she blames herself for putting Draco and i into this family with him as our father. She looks sad quite often and i can not help but feel a little guilty for her feeling this way. If it was not for me begging for a little sibling she would never of had another kid, which means that Draco would not have had to have the childhood that he did.

Our life growing up was very different from most but we tried our best to become people who our parents would be proud of. I know our mother is proud of us but my father is not too fond of me. He thinks that i am weak and will never please the dark lord. Little does he know, i could care less what the dark lord thinks of me and i hope that Harry Potter defeats him once again.

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