My life at Hogwarts

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When I first got my letter to go to Hogwarts I was so beyond happy for a fresh and new start. It hurt that I would be leaving my little brother behind but I knew that I had to. Dray and I talked once got my letter because he started packing his things too, hoping that he would be able to go with me. We both wanted to escape this place that we were supposed to call home. However, after some time I convinced him to wait a year because someone had to look out for Mom. This gave him a sense of purpose and made him excited to be the one in charge. 

For me, going to Hogwarts would be my real-life book, it would be my way to escape my home and the reality of life. However, once people heard my last name they would not see me for who I was they would just make their assumptions and sometimes I wondered if it was true. It made matters even worse when I was placed in Slytherin. Then people thought that I actually upheld the standards of my last name and did not think twice about it. When I would walk down the halls they would place themselves on the other side of the hallway. It made me feel even worse than when I was at home because at least at home I was not the person the people in other houses believed I was. After a while I just got used to it and tried not to let it bother me but, even though I would never admit it, it still really gets to me. It is quite entertaining watching all of the other houses act all high and mighty as if they were some type of saint. Especially Gryffindor, they loved to talk about how good they were yet they instantly disliked people as soon as they were placed in Slytherin. I have seen them stop talking to people they just made friends with on the train first year when they were not placed in the same house.

My first few years at Hogwarts were pretty quiet and I did not talk to too many people. Most people were either afraid of me because of my last name or the house I was sorted in. I had a few friends but there were not many. I have an amazing friend named Wren. I met her during my first year at Hogwarts on the train ride over. I found her sitting in a compartment by herself reading a book and I instantly knew we were going to be friends. At first, she was quiet and kept to herself, but after some pestering, she became vibrant and lively.  We kept our friendship on more of the secret side because I did not want Draco targeting her with his little squad of idiots for fun. I also did not want people bothering her with questions about what I was really like and how could she be friends with a Malfoy.

Besides Wren, I mostly hung out with Draco, Blaize Zambini, Theodore Nott, Lorenzo Berkshire, Pansy Parkinson, and Mattheo Riddle. All the boys, besides Draco, are in the same year as me and we have known each other for years. They were all also placed in Slytherin and that one was no surprise. While I love them to pieces they definitely can all be asses. While all the boys including Draco will not tell anyone, none of them care about money or blood status either. We all think it is utterly stupid and that no one should be judged based on something that they have no control over. Some wizards and witches are extremely powerful and are not purebloods. Like Hermione Granger, she is going to make history one day with how talented she is and she is what some people would refer to as a mudblood. These are just ideas that our parents all believe in, therefore, people assume that we believe this ourselves.

How do I even begin describing my friends? Blaize Zabini is one of the funniest most passionate people that you will ever meet in your life. He loves to tell people exactly how he feels and somehow can express his emotions better than anyone I know. He tries to help me with this a lot which is something I utterly adore about him. Theodore Nott always has a resting face that tells people to leave him alone and that he is not friendly just like me which is why we started our friendship. He is so very intelligent and when it is just our small group he shows how funny he is. He also pays attention to the little things and that is the way that he shows people he cares about you. Lorenzo Berkenshire is the craziest most flirtatious person that will ever cross your path. He loves to make jokes at the most inappropriate times and does not shy away from telling you anything he wants you to know. He is the person that lights up a room as soon as he walks into it. Pansy is the person that I go to with everything. We are incredibly different but in the ways that are important the exact same. Pansy is loud, eye-catching, and quick-witted. I would never want to be on her bad side because while she is kind and caring she can be cruel. Finally, Mattheo Riddle looks like one of the most intimidating people you will meet, however, he is actually the biggest sweetheart once you get to know him. This is something that very few people know about him because like the rest of us we have learned over the years that being vulnerable makes you look weak and we never look weak. 

We are all our own little family who each brings something different to the friend group to make us work so well. I do not think I could ever imagine my life without any of them. I like to stay away from my brother and his idiot friends, Crabbe and Goyle, as much as possible in public to try and keep away from their hate comments but somehow people still associate me with that so I can never really escape it. I love my brother to pieces but since we have to keep up a certain facade while at school since our parents spy on us I do not blame him for what he does. Do not think I am making excuses for him, he has gotten various lectures from me over the years.

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