Chapter Six: Unforgivable

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                                                                                                                                                                                Aurelia's POV
       It has now been almost two months into vacation and we only had about three more weeks until we were to go back to Hogwarts. When I woke up this morning I was very happy to find out that my parents would be out of town for a week. This would mean that I could hang out with Draco and get him to be silly with me without our father coming in and telling us to quit acting like children. I never understood why he would say something like that considering that we only are children. Draco is only thirteen and I may be close to sixteen, but am still only fifteen. Sometimes because of all that has happened in our lives, I tend to forget how young we truly are. We are both supposed to still have our innocence and be a little naive. However, with a family like ours, that is utterly unacceptable.

        With the news that my parents were not going to be home, I was in a good mood. I started the day just like every other day with a cup of coffee. Most people look at me strangely because everyone else loves to drink tea. While I love a nice cup of tea I would much rather have some coffee to wake me up. Then I went up to the library and started to read one of the muggle books that Wren gave me last Christmas. She knows how much I love to read so almost every holiday she gets me a muggle book.

       Draco was not home at the moment because he had spent the weekend with Blaise and his family but would probably be home later in the day. So because I had the day to myself I decided to spend the day with Wren. She has been begging me to come visit and meet her parents for more than just the times that I have seen them at King's Cross station. I had to use floo powder because I am not quite of age to apparate. I landed in her home living room and saw her sitting with her mum and dad. Her parents were quite lovely and we had the most fun. She showed me all of her favorite muggle shops and where she went to school before Hogwarts. After spending the majority of the day with Wren and her family, I decided it was time to go back home so I could make sure that Draco got back to the Manor alright. I know that he is old enough to take care of himself but he is still my baby brother and he worries me a lot.

        I took the floo network to get back and when I entered into the family living room the sight I saw was something that I would never want to see again. My aunt Bellatrix was using a jinx to throw my brother across the room asking where I was.

"Are you crazy, what in the bloody hell are you doing to him?"

I yelled at my aunt while running over to see if my kid brother was okay. I knew that I should not have yelled at her since she is crazy but I could not just stand there and watch her do this to him.

"Nice of you to join the party Aurelia we were just getting started. Just get back from that mudblood friend of yours huh? You know you'll have to be punished for that right?" She had the crazy eyes that she has when she is mad, definitely something I try to avoid. "Would you rather it be your turn or should I have some more fun with little baby Draco?"

As she finished her sentence before I could answer she swished up her wand and Draco was flown into the air and then suddenly dropped straight onto the floor.

"NOOO, it's my turn. Leave him alone or you will regret it Bellatrix." I tried to sound as stern as possible and pointed my wand at her but truth be told I had not learned enough spells to fight her.

"Do not threaten me you little spoiled brat. No one is here to protect you. No mommy to call and stop me this time. You are lucky that last time you were in this situation someone was here to stop me, but this time I think I am going to have some fun with you."

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