Chapter 4: The first task

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Harry woke up to a owl sitting next to him with a letter in it's mouth. He was still tired because he barely got any sleep last night because he was overthinking the whole situation with Cedric and his sexuality. Harry really hoped that the letter was from Sirius, hopefully he could help him.

Harry took the letter hystericaly. He opened it and read it as fast as he could.

Dear Harry,                                                                                                                                                                               I know exactly what you are going through. Believe it or not there was a time where I thought I was straight. Kinda funny thinking back now. The second I saw Remus I started questioning myself. It took a lot of time to acept myself, but luckily I had your parents and Remus as my friends. But I've had a lot of sleepless nights, a lot of times where I felt like there was something wrong with me, I guess that's quite normal. I think you should just talk to someone you trust about it. I feel like Hermione is a good listener. If you don't wanna talk about it you could just write it down in letters, it's quite healing you know. Also just don't forget that me and Remus still love and accept you no matter what. Also you don't have to be straight, you can love more than one gender wich would make you bisexual.                                                                                                             Anyways, I hope you're feeling better soon, ly Sirius.

This letter made Harry so happy, it was the first time hearing the term bisexual. Harry still couldn't imagine a real relationship with a boy, but like Sirius said "it takes time." He thought about talking to Hermione, but he wasn't sure about it yet. He went down to go to the great hall for breakfast, on the way he bumped into Hermione. He felt down again when he saw her face. He just wished she would believe him. He kept walking when all of a sudden Hermione took his arm and pulled him back to her. Her face looked like she cried a lot lately. She looked at Harry and smiled in a sad way while she sighed. "God Harry it's good to see you" she started "I am so sorry, I- I thought about everything and, like I should have  believed you"she continued while she was fighting against her tears. "Hey 'Mione it's okay, I think I wouldn't have believed myself if I was you." Harry comforted Hermione, he was so happy that she talked to him. "I- I missed you Harry" she whispered now crying. Harry hugged her tight and said "Me too Hermione, me too." Harry had to fight his tears but in the end he bursted into tears, he hasn't felt this happy in awhile. The two just stood in the middle of the common room hugging eachother and crying. "Harry, it's okay. I- I've never seen you cry this hard. What's wrong?" Hermione asked when they broke appart. Harry didn't answer the question and just said that he really needed comforting right now.

During breakfast Hermione told Harry that she heard that the first task was gonna be about dragons. "Dragons ! Dragons ?" he said first excited and then concerned. "You got this Harry" Hermione tried to convince him. "Yeah but, I'll tell it Cedric later it would only be fair if he knew it too" Harry said. "Am I mistaken or do you have a little crush on Cedric ?" Hermione asked with a smile in her face. Harry obviously denied it but he was blushing real hard.

"Hey Cedric can I talk to you for a second" Harry asked "You don't mind if I borrow him for a second, do you" he asked Cedric's friends. "Wha-, what's up, you look concerned" Cedric asked. "Dragons, that's the first task." he answered quickly and wanted to walk away but Cedric took his arm. "Hey, are, are you okay. You look like something's wrong?" Cedric noticed. "No, no I'm fine but thanks for asking." Harry just wanted to get out of ther but Cedric wasn't satisfied with Harry's answer "Hey, I might not be smart, but I can see that something is wrong, is-, is it about the badges, see I've asked them not to wear them because it makes me uncomfortable. Listen you can talk to me okay" Cedric tried to get Harry to talk, but Harry didn't want to talk about anything because he knew that he was gonna cry once he'd open his mouth. "Hey Cedric, I really appreciate it, but I-, I don't think I'm ready to talk about it, you know, but once I'm ready I'll talk maybe." Harry went away as fast as he could.

The day of the task

Harry was really nervous, he couldn't really sleep last night, because he kept overthinking. (relatible bro)

They had to steal a golden egg from a dragon in order to win the task. Cedric was first, he thought of the perfect plan to get the egg. He made a dog so the dragon would get distracted, but right before he had the egg, the dragon realized it. Cedric got burned, but he still got the egg. His shoulder really hurt and Madam Pomfrey gave him some ice to cool the wound. Harry was worried about Cedric whe he came back to the tent. "God, Cedric you alright man. That looks bad." he said and sat down with him. Cedric clearly was in pain. Harry really wanted to hug him, but it would probably get really awkward and Harry was scared to hurt Cedric. They talked for about twenty minutes until it was Harry's turn. "Damn, what do I do now" Harry asked concerned. "You just try not to die, but hey I mean you're Harry Potter you're pretty good at not dying, I guess." Cedric joked around. "Very helpful really." Harry acknoleged sarcastically. Then he went outside.

Harry was shaking, he was terrified. He tried to get the egg but, he almost got flame grilled by the dragon. He used the accio charm to bring his broom to him. He flew around and confused the dragon. Eventually after a few minutes he got the egg and most people cheered.

"See I told you you were good at not dying"  Cedric said jokingly. Harry had to laugh a little, not because the joke was that funny but because Cedric told it.

After the first task they had about three weeks to recover since everyone got a little injured.

Author Note                                                                                                                                                                    Holy shit that's a long ass chapter lmao. I hope you enjoyed it, also I wanted to bring in like Harry finding out about his sexuality and stuff. But I tink it's interesting since most straight people don't know how this feels, also I discribe this a little bit how it felt for me, and let me tell you it took about 3 years to accept myself (I'm still closeted to most people btw)

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