Chapter 1

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She's beautiful, probably the most beautiful girl I have ever laid my eyes upon. And that says a lot, coming from a guy who's more than a thousand years old. I come here often, just to watch her. No, not like a creepy stalker.. More like a secret admirer, and I don't just watch her. It's more like watching over her, like a guardian angel, at least that's what I tell myself.. Except I'm far from that.

And if they ever were to find me here, I would have yet another issue to face. But if my two companions found me... If they ever saw me watching her, they would say something, or do something that I really don't want to think about. That's why I must keep this a secret, at all cost.

I watch her as she walks towards the window, where I'm standing on the very other side of the glass. She places her hand on the glass, and I place my hand right where hers is, only the thin glass between our hands, keeping our skin from touching. She can't see me, but I see her.

I see her clearly.

From the way her raven black hair is styled in an elegant way, pulling the hair back to reveal her beautiful facial features. It's like she's the perfect image of what her family wants others to see. Then there's the pain in her eyes, almost impossible to notice, but it's there.

I don't want her to feel like she's alone, but I can't exactly make myself visible to her without scaring her to death. So I send a small pulsating wave of warmth straight through the glass, and into her smaller hand. Shocked, she pulls her hand back, and stares at it with fear in her eyes. But then she moves her gaze from her hand, to the window again, and I almost feel like she's looking directly at me. Like those big brown wondering eyes of hers, is looking directly into my own green ones. My heart skips a beat, and I feel myself hold my breath. Even though I already know she's looking past me, I want to pretend that she's actually looking at me. So I let myself have this little moment.

Then she does something unexpected, she places her hand back against the window. Right where it was just two minutes ago, and I swear I can almost feel the warmth of her palm against my own skin. Before I can even think about what I'm doing, I send another pulsating wave out from my palm, through the glass, and into hers. Watching her intensely as I hold my breath, I see her lips pull into a smile.

And I can't help myself but smile, just seeing her do the same. Her smile is enough to make me forget everything else around me, it's enough to send me back to happier times.

I want to make myself visible to her, I want to introduce myself properly to her. I want to make her smile, not just by doing such a small thing as this. No, I want her to smile because of me.

She opens the window, so I quickly step away so it doesn't hit me. She might not be able to see me right now, but she could still manage to hit me with something if I'm not careful enough. She sticks her head out, and looks to both sides. My guess is that she's looking for whatever made her feel that little thing in her hand, and then she frowns as her eyes are met with nothing but the usual scenery.

''Is anyone there?'' Her voice, it's like music to my ears. Such a sweet melody that I wouldn't mind listening to every time of the day. A deep sigh leaves her lips, and then she closes her eyes. Sticking her arm out of the window, holding the palm up as if she expects to touch something, or feel something again.

So I moved my palm up to touch hers, letting her feel me. She gasps at the contact, but she keeps her hand still against mine. ''Who are you?'' A small whisper leaves her lips.

The sound of her door being opened makes her pull away, and then she turns around to look at whoever entered her room without knocking. And I can't help but glare at the intruder.

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