Chapter 15

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My eyes open up slowly, and I blink a couple of times trying to figure out what happened, and where I am. It's so much lighter in here than what I've become used to, it shows me that I am nowhere near the castle, and the weird realm it's in. Somehow I even think I'm back to the real world, maybe I'm even home.. No.. This isn't home. I turn to the side, looking down at my hand that's being held in a much larger one.

A larger hand, covered in two different rings. And yet again, I don't pay much attention to the other ring on his finger. Only the red ruby one catches my attention. ''You're finally awake'' His voice doesn't sound as cold as usual, which makes a little smile appear on my lips.

''What happened?'' I ask him, my voice coming out in a rather raspy tone. I sit up in the soft bed, leaning my back against the bed frame.

He holds out a glass of water for me, which I gladly accept. ''You just happened to get caught, in the middle of something you were never supposed to be in the middle of..'' He lets out a deep sigh as he finishes speaking.

''Oh..'' It's like everything comes rushing back to me, but I.. I touched Sebastian. My eyes widen. ''I touched Sebastian'' How am I not dead? Or am I? Is this the part where I'm supposed to cross over to the other side?

''Adelaide, you never touched his skin.. So there isn't anything to worry about'' His voice is calm, and it helps me to calm down. I sink further back into the bed, and then I look up from our hands to look at him. ''Why are you looking at me like that?'' He narrows his eyes at me.

''Have you been holding my hand this whole time?'' I ask, watching how his eyes widen a bit before he looks away from me.

''I'm sorry for speaking so harshly to you, I shouldn't have done that..'' He mumbles, suddenly changing the topic.

But he... He apologized.. ''It's alright, I'm not mad at you'' If anything I'm more mad at myself.

''If I hadn't said those things, then this never would've happened to you'' I scoot closer to the edge of the bed, and then I reach out to touch his arm. His head turns back towards me, giving me a glimpse of the sadness in his eyes.

''You can always make it up to me'' I joke, trying to lighten the mood a litte, but he just frowns a bit at me. ''Let me in, Lucifer..'' I whisper, looking deeply into his eyes.

There's a conflict in his eyes, before he snaps his head into the direction of where a door is being opened. A woman enters the room, holding some weird equipment in her hands as she walks towards us. She sits down on the bed I'm on, and then she lights into my eyes with a weird device I've never seen before.

''Uh, who are you?'' I ask her, as I try to scoot further back into the bed.

She doesn't answer me, instead she grabs a hold of my face. Staring at me like I'm some kind of unknown object. ''Marielle stop that, she's fine'' Lucifer says, and immediately she pulls her hands back from my face.

She shoots a glare his way, before focusing back on me. ''You're lucky he brought you here when he did, or you would've been dead. And I don't heal dead people''

''Where are we?'' I turn my face to Lucifer.

''You didn't tell her? God, you men.. Baby, you're not in your realm, or the place you were before. I don't even know how they could let such a beauty like you-''


''-Into such a horrible place, that's no place for any living being dear I'm telling you. It's good that you're here now, because damn. I don't know how you even survived that, i heard stories-''

''Marielle!'' Lucifer yells at her.

But she just rolls her eyes at him. ''Anyways. Why don't you show her around Lucifer? I've got other places to go, and she's all healed up'' Marielle gets up from the bed, and walks out of the room again.

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