Chapter 8

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I'm sick, and I feel like I'm only getting worse as the minutes pass by ever so slowly. It's now been a couple of days since we have seen Lucifer. He had told me no. But I will not take no for an answer. I want.. No, I need to know what's happening to me, and not just a crappy explanation like he gave me, with the whole. My mind and soul being sucked into someone's old memories. I need him to explain to me exactly how that happens, and then I want him to teach me how to stop this. Maybe he wouldn't even need to take the time to teach me, he might just be able to stop it on his own. That is, if I can get him to do it.

I wrap my blanket tighter around my freezing body, walking down the corridor trying to find my way to where we last had seen Lucifer. But this seems to be an even harder task than I first had thought it to be, everything around me looks the same. There is no way for me to tell which way the library of this huge place is, I can't even tell which way I had used to get to Sebastian.

''Why is this happening to me'' I mutter to myself, feeling myself getting angry as I turn around yet another corner, that looks exactly like the other corridor I just walked through. How can anyone find their way through this maze of a hallway.

I don't get it, why must it be so hard for me to figure out where he is? Or just where that library is. I come to a big staircase leading down to what I assume is the main doors, it makes me wonder what's outside of this place. What I had seen out of the window the other day didn't exactly look normal.

Even though I feel weak, and just want to either get back to bed or go find Lucifer and make him help me. I can't help but let my curiosity get the best of me as I find myself stepping down the large staircase. Who knows, maybe Lucifer went for a walk. Maybe I could be lucky and find him outside.

I pull hard at the handles, but the door doesn't even move an inch. A cough leaves my lips. It feels like I'm coughing my lungs out, so I sit down on the cold floor giving myself a little time to rest before I figure out what to do now. I mean, I can't open these doors, and I can't find Lucifer. I don't even think I can find my way back to the bedroom I've been spending so much time in.

''You look pathetic''

I look up, while I wrap the blanket tighter around my body as I hear the voice. ''Lucifer'' As his name leaves my lips, I suddenly feel a small spark of hope inside of me. Maybe he changed his mind?

He doesn't look at me as I try getting a good look at his eyes, but he doesn't let me have a glance at them. Instead he turns his head to the side. ''Would you mind moving, you're in my way'' His voice is calm, and nothing like the last time I heard him speak.

''I will move once you decide to help me'' I have to stand my ground here, even if this is a poor attempt at getting him to help me. I lean my back against the door, and finally he looks at me. I don't look away even though I feel extremely small and fragile with his intense gaze on me.

He now looks irritated at my stubbornness, and then I feel like someone is invading my mind. I grip onto my head tightly, feeling like it might explode. And then my arms fall limb by my sides, before they push me up from the floor. I feel my legs moving, but it's not myself that's in control of my limbs anymore. I simply feel like I'm somewhere watching inside the mind of someone else again, except this time it's happening in my own body. A body I'm supposed to have control over.

And then after a couple of steps, my body suddenly drops to the floor. Making me winch as my knees hit the hard floor. I feel tears sting in my eyes, threatening to fall as my body begins to tremble. ''W-What did y-you do to me?'' I almost choke on my own voice as I try to speak.

''I thought it was clear what I was doing'' He simply says. His footsteps can be heard, and then I hear the sound of the doors being pulled open. ''I entered your mind, and took control of your body.. Seeing as you didn't want to move on your own, so i simply just did it for you'' He talks like it's no big deal.

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