Chapter 5

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Sleep isn't something that seems to come to me tonight, the only thing i'm feeling is fear that little by little fills up my entire body, as I lay here trying desperately to fall asleep. My mind is filled up with so many questions, and I also can't help but think about Se... No, I should get used to calling him by his real name. Satan, a name fit for a demon. I can't stop feeling scared that he might come in here while i'm sleeping, who knows he might even be standing in the shadows right now. And all while my mind is worked up by this, there's also the flashing images of my parents being brutally murdered playing again, and again in my mind.

I grip the covers tight in my hands, pulling the fabric tighter around my body as I look around the dark room. He really could be anywhere really, and I wouldn't even be able to see him. A shred of light enters the room as the door slowly opens up, and I feel my entire body stiffen up. My grip on the covers tighten even more, turning my knuckles white from doing so. My heartbeat quickens, making me scared that whoever just entered the room would be able to hear the loud beat of it.

Laying here stiff as a board, I feel a hand gently touch my leg above the covers, and then in a swift movement before I can even think twice about what I'm doing I sit up in the bed, and pull my legs towards me. ''No please!'' I scream out, as I back further away from the intruder. Maybe I should've just stayed still and hoped that the intruder would've walked out after they realized I was asleep.

''I thought I had already told you that I wouldn't hurt you'' I instantly recognized his voice, and then the lights turns on, quickly dimming down so the bright light doesn't hurt my eyes. My eyes quickly settle on looking at Hades who's sitting at the very end of the bed.

''Why would you come in here like that!'' I yell at him, throwing one of the many pillows at him.

He only chuckles at my actions, as he catches the pillow in his hands. ''Oh please, i could literally feel how scared you were, so i thought i'd come check on you''

He scoots closer to me, and reaches his arm out until his hand softly touches my cheek, wiping away the tears I hadn't even realized was falling. ''I... I'm afraid that he might show up here'' I mumble quietly, letting myself look up to finally face Hades.

''He won't''

He sounds almost too sure of himself, almost making me believe in his words. But then again, I don't even know him. I only just met the man, and I guess the only reason why I feel safer with him around me, is because he showed me kindness and helped me. But he also showed me that he's the kind of man who will do whatever pleases him, at least that's the impression I got of him.

Pulling my mind away from my thoughts, and into the present I finally notice just how close he's gotten to me. I then look down at his hand that's still caressing my cheek, despite the lack of tears on it. Feeling my cheeks heat up, I push his hand away. ''I, uh..'' I look down at my lap. It's like I suddenly don't know how to act, because of the way he's acting towards me.

''Goodnight, Addy'' He says, and then I feel the weight shit on the bed as he gets up to leave.

I quickly look up, and just as he opens the door, he turns his head to the side and looks into my eyes. Making me wonder about what might be going on inside his mind. Could he really feel how frightened I was? I let myself sink back down into the bed once again, still looking at him as I do.

''Goodnight Hades..'' I whisper quietly, not sure if he heard me or not as he walks out and closes the door.

I look down at my hands, except they're not my own. These are way bigger and look more like a man's hand. They look rough, like a worker's hand. ''Sebastian you need to stop being so reckless''

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