Chapter Two

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The school is huge, probably the biggest building I've ever seen. The ceilings tower over me as I step inside the castle. Me and Hermione gape in awe at what we see whereas Harry and Ron have already set off on a wild goose chase to find a missing rat or something.                                       
I'm left alone with my suitcase as Hermione wanders off in search for the library. It's still all sinking in, the fact that I'm in Hogwarts.

My thoughts were interrupted by a rude blonde boy. He held his hand out towards me and looked rather offended when I didn't take it. "I presume your a mudblood then", he spat.            

Despite growing up with Hermione's family, I actually came from a long line of pure bloods, one of the most important wizarding family's.                                                                                                                     "And what would give you that impression?", I spat back. I had never been one for politeness, that was more Hermiones thing.                                                                                                        
"Perhaps it's because you don't seem to know who I am", he scowled.                                                  I just rolled my eyes at his ignorance.                                                       
Before I could respond with something witty a Professor McGonagal interrupted our feud.
"Y/l/n, Malfoy, I've seen you've already met", she let out a sigh.

I could see the boys eyes widen at your name, I smirked at him.

"Pleasure to meet you Malfoy", sarcasm dripping off my tone.

Before he knew it the professor had called all the first years round.

It was time. Time for the sorting hats. Whatever house you were in changed the way people looked at you. Lots of people deny it but it's true.

We make our way to the great hall, I huddle over to Hermione and the boys and join in with their conversation.                                                                                                                                                                           "I bet you two chocolate frogs that you'll be in gryffindor", Ron says.                                                        
  "Don't jinx it Ron", Harry utters.                                                                                                                                         Their conversation was cut short by Professor Dumbledore.

"Now you all know the procedure, the first years are to be sorted. With every decision the sorting hat makes comes great responsibility. The sorting hat makes no mistakes so there will be no arguing with the decision. Is that clear?", the professor announces.                                                             
All the trembling first years nod their heads in fear.

Almost a quarter of the year has been sorted already. Hermione is the next to go up. I'm rooting for her, praying she gets into Gryffindor. If she doesn't she'll be broken.                                                    The sorting hat gets put down on her head full of curls.                                                                                 
    "A heart full of gold and a mind full of knowledge....                                                                                               You'll be a....                                                                                                                                                                             Gryffindor!"

I let out a breath I didn't realise I'd been holding. The boys turned out to be Gryffindors too.

The last one left was me.

A sickening feeling twisted in my stomach. Worries flooded in through my head knowing I wouldn't be with the rest of my friends.                                                                                                                                                                   
I walk up to the sorting hat, I can feel the staring eyes burning into my back.                                          
I place myself on the stool.                                                                                                                                              
My heart was beating out of my chest and the sorting hat felt it.                                                              

"What's all this stress for little one?", it judged.                                                                                                       "Scared we won't meet our families expectations are we?"

A second feels like a minute.                                          

The sorting hat made it's decision.                                                                                                                                "Slytherin!"

My heart sank.

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