Chapter Five

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You climb through an open window getting a piggy back lift from Fred. You squeeze in unnoticed and then extend a hand to Fred but when you look down he's gone.

"Shit", you say.

"Language", Fred mutters behind you in a joking tone. Of course your expression makes him grin as you stare at him in confusion.

"Well hurry up and stop staring... I know that's hard when I look like this but", he says grinning even more.

"Oh shut up", you joke, clearly embarrassed.

Fred takes your hand giving you a slight flutter in your stomach and leads you down the dark corridor. You both start to run down the corridors letting out small laughs.

As you begin to turn the corner you smack right into Snape and slowly stagger back.

"Shit", you and Fred both say.

"And what would you two be doing roaming these corridors at night I ask?", Snape says in his monotone voice.

"I- uh...", You stammer.

"We were just stargazing", Fred interjects saving you from embarressment.

"I see, well detention for you both. Next Time I catch you two I won't be so forgiving.", he lectures.

As soon as Snape is out of sight you both let out a heavy sigh of relief and then proceed to burst out giggling.

"Shut up", You laugh, we don't want another detention.

Fred takes you to the Slytherin common room and leaves you at the door.

"I had fun tonight y/n, see you in detention", he smirks.

You smile back,"me too" And close the door behind you.

Sitting there waiting is Draco.

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