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You walk inside and Kiyoko closes the door behind you. "Do you want something to eat?" she asks you as the two of you head for the living room.

"No, but thank you anyway Kiyo," you say, giving her a sad smile. Kiyoko nods and pulls you into the living room.

She sits on the couch and wraps an arm around you as you sit beside her. "What happened babes?"

You lean against her as tears start pouring from your eyes. "Kenji- He's been cheating on me. I suspected it for a while but never had any proof so I dropped it and I just... It hurts."

"Hey, hey. He isn't worth your tears. You haven't even known where he works for the past two years," she tells you.

"Yeah but... I love him. We've been together for two years and he's the only man who's been in my heart. I should have realized." You sit up and get a tissue, wiping your eyes with it.

"All you need is some time. There are better men out there who won't cheat and if they do, they do not deserve your love nor heart." She sits up and rubs your back. "I do want to ask if you are okay too. I heard about the fire at your shop on the news a few minutes before you called me."

You nod with a sigh, drying up the rest of your tears. "Yeah. I would have died if Tetsuro hadn't saved me."

"Who's Tetsuro?"

"He's the customer that buys roses every day."

"Oh." Kiyoko is silent for a moment. "Is he cute?"


"What I'm just asking. It's not like you can't look at other guys. Especially now," she says with a giggle.

You playfully roll your eyes, sniffling as your nose is pretty runny. "Yes, he is cute. His friend is too if you want me to try and set you up with one of them one day. I'll be seeing Tetsuro agai- SHIT!"

"What? What's wrong?"

You sigh and sit back, your eyes looking up at the ceiling. "I'm supposed to be at my house by noon so he can take me to get my car. My phone was burned in the fire or dropped somewhere so I can't call him or anything."

Kiyoko lays a hand on your shoulder. "I can take you over there around noon. Don't worry about it."

"Thank you, Kiyo."

"It's no problem," she tells you. Kiyoko looks out the window, just now realizing how late it is. "We should head to bed since it's getting kind of late."

You nod and stand up. "Do you mind if I borrow some of your clothes and shower?"

"Of course not. Go raid my closet real quick," she tells you with a laugh. You smile and leave the room, making your way upstairs to shower.

Kiyoko stays in the living room for a bit, not wanting to bother you too much. She dislikes the fact that Kenji had decided to do this to you. Kiyoko pulls out her phone and looks at Kenji's contact for a moment before putting it back in her pocket with an angry sigh.

She gets off the couch and walks out of the living room, heading upstairs. As Kiyoko passes by the guest room, the sound of sobs fills her ears. She thinks about comforting you but she also knows that you don't like people seeing you so weak even though you are an emotional person.

You have always been that way though. Emotions are something that you easily show but you hate crying in front of others. Rather than bothering you too badly, Kiyoko knocks on the door. "I'm headed to bed y/n. You're free to grab some food if you want."

"Okay," you say quietly, your voice raspy and quiet from crying. "Goodnight Kiyo."

You hear Kiyoko walk off and stuff your face back into the pillow you've been crying into. You hate today. First, your shop catches fire and then you find out your boyfriend has been cheating on you for god knows how long. There were many times you had smelt a faint difference in the house when you had arrived home but Kenji always claimed it was a new air freshener and had the bottles to prove it.

He makes you feel as if you're gullible and easily fooled. You know you should have realized everything way earlier but you fooled yourself into believing he actually cares. You should have slapped him more than twice. It would have made you feel way better than you do now. Just slapping him until he physically feels what you feel mentally.

You have always been soft in the heart. Unable to hurt people unless they decide to bring the anger out of you. That's just how you are. You've always been one to get emotional pretty easily.

It made getting through highschool especially troubling due to the amount of bullying that had gone on. It has always been hard for you to stand up for yourself until you met Kiyoko.

She protected you and kept people away that tried to mess with you for always being so emotional and soft. You can't help it though. Your mother had always gotten angry for how soft you were and now you don't even talk due to disagreements about how you want to live your life.

Kiyoko has always been there for you though, introducing you to Kenji after she had gotten in touch with him. Kenji had gone to the same high school but you just never crossed paths with him until you were introduced. Kiyoko knew him from a few drinks back in high school but they didn't talk much until they met again a few years later.

After being introduced, you and Kenji got close which eventually led to dating. Even after all that time, he never told either of you what kind of job he has but you stuck with him anyway because you love him.

The way you have been so attached makes you wonder if it's your fault he cheated. Maybe he just got annoyed that you would always try to spend time with him, eventually making him want to cheat on you for people better.

Maybe your body wasn't good enough for him. Maybe your soft personality just isn't what he's always wanted after staying with you for so long. Or maybe... he just didn't love you in the first place. All these thoughts run through your head, you crying into the pillow harder as you think about the last two years of your life with him.

As the night goes on, all you feel is heartbreak. It takes almost two hours of crying for you to finally fall asleep. Your body heart tired.


I hope this chapter was enjoyable :)

I'm moving this story slower than I thought but it is fine bc I have to make it to at least 50k words anyway teehee

Any Thoughts?!


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