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Queen Cattarina stands at the mirror in the early light of dawn. She has decided to follow Alabaster even though he's her best tracker and even though it will be dangerous. She knows that when he finds Uno, he will need backup.
Cattarina: (To herself) Danger is my middle name...Danger is my middle name...
In her heart, she knows it isn't true.
Cattarina begins to shrink, and white and orange fur appears on her skin. This continues until she is a white cat with a dark orange stripe down its head, back, and tail. She is now Rosetail, her cat form. She turns and runs away out the bedroom door and down the stairs.

Abadear walks down the street of the village, carrying a pack full of food and other provisions and wearing a traveling cloak. She is almost to the end of the street when she hears a voice behind her.
Phoenix: Abadear! Where are you going?
Abadear: (warily) Just out for a walk.
Phoenix: (noting the pack and cloak) That must be a pretty long walk. Some people might think you were going on some sort of quest.
Abadear: (sighs) I'm going after Alabaster, okay? Queen Cattarina sent him to kill Uno, and I know he's going to need help.
Phoenix: Can I come?
Abadear: Why? Why would you care about what happens to him?
Phoenix: Well...I don't really care... I guess... but I do care about what happens to Uno. I mean, she's evil and deserves to die! And besides, I want to be a witness at least when Alabaster kills her.
Abadear: What do you have that could be of use to me? I mean, no offense, but you're a talking shadow.
Phoenix: Well...my fingers can turn into daggers and lock picks and all sorts of other stuff. Plus, people usually assume I'm not a threat.
Abadear: Alright, you can come. But you have to let me do the tracking, okay?
Phoenix: (excitedly) Ok! Great! Just let me go get some traveling stuff.

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