Chapter 1

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Draco No Name woke up in a strange place, he then remembered everything that happened the previous day and wondered how he got to the bed when he couldn't remember anything after walking out of that house. He got up and felt soreness in his body, hmm that's weird he thought, why does his body feel like he was in extreme pain.

The blonde boy shrugged it off and looked around, the room looked old and a bit dirty, his old self, the one the Malfoys wanted to raise, made comments about the place, negative comments. He needed to sort his head out as another part of him didn't mind the room and was just happy that he even has a place to sleep and a roof above his head.

He exited the room and looked at the hall, there were other doors and he assumed that they were for those other kids. Was this an orphanage? Draco thought, it just made sense to him how weird was it to see that guy with two girls and a boy all his age.

"Did I just get confounded and kidnapped by that guy?" He accidentally said aloud, he looked around and was relieved that no one was able to hear him. He walked a bit further and saw a balcony, walking towards it, he looked outside and saw the most massive field he has ever seen, Where exactly in the bloody world is he?

He looked as the sun was about to rise and stared at the trees for a little while, everything seemed so peaceful here, Draco liked the place a lot. He hoped it wasn't an orphanage, having to socialize with anyone in his mental state right now would be a nightmare.

As he was growing up, Draco felt like he was more mature than the kids his age as he viewed the world differently than them. Maybe it was because he was forced to be someone he didn't want to be or maybe it was because he wanted to grow up immediately to actually not be the someone his parents wanted him to be and just pretend. Maybe magic worked its magic.

Nevertheless, he was here now, as a five-year-old that was much more mature than his age, recently disowned, no money with people he didn't even know. Nothing can surprise him now.

"hello" a raspy voice from behind startled the hell out of him, turning around he saw that girl from before and she seemed a bit familiar. Realizing that he was staring, he quickly tried to think of a response,  what do you say when someone says hello all of a sudden and you don't know her?????

"Uhh err hi?" he said trying to look confident, she raised an eyebrow at him and he mentally cursed himself for being so awkward. It wasn't his fault that the only girl he has ever talked to was that darn Parkinson and he didn't even talk to her,  she was the one who kept talking to him.

The girl had bruises all over her body and Draco wondered what happened to her. "I'm Draco," he said looking at the trees, he didn't know how to talk to people for goodness sake!

"I know" Draco cursed himself again,  Of course, she knows! I introduced myself yesterday dumb dumb dumb. The girl smirked but it didn't reach her eyes, "I'm Daphne "

Draco had connected the dots from there, "You're Daphne! The girl from the-" he stopped himself when he saw her smirk turn into a serious and cold look, guess she didn't want to talk about her family too.

Speaking of her, she had long brown hair, a bit taller than him and she had bruises all over her body, some were already scars and the others weren't visible. She looked nice, much much prettier than Parkinson. But the thing about her that caught his eye was her eyes, they looked so hollow and empty, with a hind of sadness. She's gone through much more horrible things than I did, I really shouldn't complain.

"Do you know wherever the hell are we?" he asked her as he started walking, Daphne followed him, Draco was surprised that she didn't limp, She coughed weakly  before replying "I don't really know, Alexei apparated us here last night"

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