Safety- Hermione

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!!!PLEASE READ THE AUTHORS NOTE ON THE BOTTOM!!! I'm so sorry for not updating

Hermione Granger was a normal person, at least she thought she was. She had great parents with good jobs, she had books that she loved so much and she was completely normal besides her IQ. Hermione was a five year old, brunette bookworm eager to achieve various things.

Yet, there was something she didn't have; safety. She and her parents were constantly moving homes and she really wasn't sure why but she felt that it wasn't just because of her parents' job. She always saw mysterious people in black around places they've moved in and when she tells her parents, they'd move again the next day.

The houses were always nice and had good neighbors, but she never felt comfortable anywhere they went. She was bothered by it.

She never felt the feeling of being truly and utterly safe.

That was what the brunette was thinking when she arrived at their 24th home, if she could even call it that. "Hermione, what do you think sweetheart?" her dad, Daniel, said as he carried boxes inside.

"Pretty nice, but the old house was better, why did we have to move daddy?" she asked looking at her dad who was now seeming quite nervous. Her mum, Emma, rescued her dad as she swoop in. "Our jobs require us to move a lot sweetie" she said as she patted Hermione's head.

Hermione just looked at them, clearly not believing but the two adults just ignored her as they continued to bring in boxes. To think of it, she never really knew what their jobs were, they just told her that it was legal so she didn't mind, but she was really uncomfortable with it now.

"Mum? What exactly are your jobs?" she asked them as she sat on the couch. Her parents froze and looked at each other, making it more suspicious. Her dad laughed nervously as he made his way in front of her, as her mum followed. "Err we're....Dentists honey, yes dentists" the brown haired man said as if trying to convince himself.

"I've read about dentists and they usually have clinics, why don't you guys have one?" she asked in a matter of fact tone. Her father was now sweating buckets and her mum was acting nervous. "Err we visit other clinics" he said with a smile.

Hermione was about to respond when her mum called them to eat dinner. She smiled, still not believing them as she made her way to the table wanting to talk there. The dining table was nice and it was clean even though they just moved and her mum presented them with pizza.

She sat down as her mum gave her a slice and they ate together silently. They were almost finished when Hermione began talking again, wanting to say the words she has kept inside her for a while now.

"You guys now that I really don't believe you right?" she said taking another bite as her parents stared at her. "I mean, you guys aren't really dentists right?" she said looking at them with a small smile.

Her dad smiled nervously, "What are you talking about sweetie? Were dentists" her mum nodded. Hermione was about to say something when there was loud banging from the front door. Her dad looked horrified and her mum screamed. "They're here." Her dad exclaimed and her mum grabbed her from the seat and led her to the back door.

"Mum, what's happening?" she said looking terrified. What is happening? Is there a robber? Who's they? Her head was filled with so many questions and she knew that the answers weren't good. "It's nothing sweetheart now follow me" her mum said as they exited the house leaving her dad behind.

"What about da-" a loud gunshot filled her ears, it took all her might to not just scream and she knew what probably, this often happens at movies and it couldn't be real right? One look at her mother tald her everything; her father was shot by someone. Tears formed in her eyes as she looked at her mum looking distressed. "We have to get out of here sweetie" her mum told her beginning to run.

They entered the forest and they heard footprints indicating the people who just shot her dad. She was scared.

"Mum what's happening!?" she yelled, tears beginning to fall as she kept running. Her dad was probably dead and she was now running away with her mum, what was happening?

Another gunshot was heard and she felt the hand she was holding shift. She turned around to see a sight that will proably haunt her for the rest of her life; her mother was lying on the ground, arm reached out to her and tears were evident in her face.

The five year old stopped as time seemed to freeze, she didn't realize that tears were flowing down her face or that she was kneeling in front of her mum, all she could think of was that her mum was dying and there was nothing she could do. She hadn't even said anything yet as she was lost, lost in her own thoughts.

"Hermione run! Get away from here" Her mum's voice snapped her away from her thoughts. Hermione held her mum's arm as she screamed "MUM!" she didn't want to leave, she didn't want to leave her, she didn't want her to die.

"Run Hermione" her mum said with tears, Hermione stayed still, holding her mum's arm, tears and a bit of dirt covering her face. "Run Sweetie, that's an order" her mum said firmly. In their family, an order means something they should really do. Her parents never told her an order before.

"Bu-" her mum pushed her up as they heard the footsteps getting closer, "We love you, now run!" she yelled. Hermione whispered a faint "I love you too" before running as fast as she could.

The brunette ran as far as she could, tears flowing freely down her eyes as she hoped that they wouldn't find her, that they wouldn't kill her. She saw a hut and contemplated for a moment wether she would enter. She heard rushed footsteps from behind her and knew that she had no choice.

"Hey are you alright?" a small boy asked her, she saw another man behind the boy looking concerned as well. Hermione didn't know if it was because of what she had just experience or if she had been longing for this in so long, but she knew one thing, she felt it; she was safe.

I am so so sorry for not updating for a long time... ya see, I forgot my email password and then I had to change my wattpad password since it wasn't letting me in, but i needed my email and I forgot the password and then my cellphone was broken(the only place where my email still lives).  

Welp, my mum got my cellphone fixed and then my homeschool started and I hadn't gotten the chance to get it. I got my cellphone back yesterday and  then I started to write this chapter, it was so rushed and I'm so so sorry! The phone got broken again though (my cousin dropped it T.T) and the memory was wiped so if Wattpad lags again, i will be in big trouble. 

I've got another account so please follow me there, if anything happens, I will post there I guess. it's star_the_space_koala

Thank you for your time

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