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A blonde boy got out of bed and stared at the wall, he knew that this day was going to be bad. The five-year-old stared at the dull colors of his room, he hated it. He hated everything that reminded him of his family. The boy showered and changed into clothes Dobby, their family's house-elf prepared for him. "Thanks, dobby, wherever you are," He said as he did not actually know where the house-elf was.

The blonde boy was Draco Malfoy, son of Lucius Malfoy, who was considered as a death eater, but through vile ways, he avoided prison. Draco hated his father, he hated everything about him. His father would always punish him and would always make his mum cry, and when he talks back, he gets punished even more.

Draco's father always taught him that the Dark Lord will rise again and they will be on the Dark Lord's side, the five-year-old always nodded despite what he actually feels about his father's plan. Draco heard faint cries from the next room and sighed, his father made his mother cry again, he slammed his hand on the table for being so weak, he couldn't protect his mother.

The blonde boy exited the room quietly as he did not want his parents to know that he was awake, the door creaked quietly and Draco froze, fortunately, no one heard it and he let out a relieved sigh. Draco silently headed towards the direction of his mother's room and what he heard, scarred him.

"Are you sure he's awake Lucius?" His mother whispered to his father who was apparently in the room, Draco furrowed his brows, his mother hated his father, didn't she? Draco listened in more carefully, awaiting his father's response, he expected his father to be rude in his reply but what he heard shocked him. "Yes, Dobby informed me, so sweetheart you need to cry for him to feel weak so we could use it against him when he's older"

Draco froze, his father said those words without a tinge of hatred and where the hell did sweetheart come from. He, then realized that his mother was not on his side, his mother betrayed him and simply spied on him. The next words he heard broke him, it really did. "He then would be like a pawn to us my dear," 

It was his mother's voice, the voice that comforted him throughout these years, the person whom he thought was the person he could trust the most. Draco sat down, his back pressed against the wall, he wanted to cry but he couldn't, he couldn't let them do this to him. Silently, Draco made his way back to his room and locked the door. He analyzed his situation and knew that he couldn't just run away like this, he doesn't have anywhere to go. But with that, he got a solution.

"Aunt Andromeda would have me..." He muttered and packed his things, he was supposed to go in a play date if that's what you call it, with the Notts, Parkinsons, Crabbes, and Goyles, he didn't like those kids but he had to endure it to escape.

After packing, he headed towards the door when his father came in with the usual stoic face he had been used to all these years. "Are you ready now, Draco?" He said waiting for Draco's response and when the kid nodded, he continued. "Breakfast is ready, get your things" and then Draco obeyed.

At Breakfast, Draco noticed some things he didn't before, like how his mother and father would exchange quick looks when he glared at his father or the fact that his mother would smile from time to time when she thought that he wasn't looking.

He wanted to scream at them, he desperately wanted to let them know that he knew their little secret but he knew that it would put a dent in his plan and he forced himself to not break down or launch himself at his parents. Breakfast was unbearable for him.

Draco let out a sigh of relief when it was over, he grabbed his bag and started to make his way towards the fireplace, to go to the Notts. His father seemed to be confused at him being obedient but simply shrugged it off as tiredness.

When he arrived at the dark mansion, he saw that the other kids were already there, he knew that those people would be the future death eaters or something, but he did not want to be one of them. He hated them.

Draco noticed that Pansy, one of the kids, was looking at him strangely, he just shrugged it off and just sat at the table they were at. He forced a smile when Crabbe greeted him, Draco just grabbed one of the books and started reading. 

"I didn't know you could read!" Goyle said amazed, Theodore just smiled and Pansy grinned before she retorted, "of course Draco knows how to read, he's my future boyfriend after all" It took Draco a lot of strength so he couldn't just puke now and then.

Draco was patient, he was very patient, that's the skill that allowed him to stay in that house of villains or something like that. He was currently scribbling in a paper-covered by a book, he was planning to get out. He now thanked those extra lessons his father gave him that he could read and write at a young age.

The five-year-old was sitting in the corner, he didn't want anyone to know of his plans, suddenly a hand grabbed his shoulder and he looked up to see the scowling face of his father, he jumped at the touch and quickly shut the book. "What do you want father?" He said in the most polite voice he could muster in front of him, which was a bit rude. 

"Why are you not socializing with your friends Draco?" Lucius snapped at him, Draco just shrugged and looked at his father in the eye, "I just want to be alone, father" Lucius didn't like that answer and grabbed Draco, "Then go outside and think about your actions" he said before walking away.

"How to make him disown me" Draco mumbled when he was already outside, he sat down on one of the benches and checked his things, he couldn't run away when he was still a Malfoy, he didn't want his father to still be able to control him. 

He grabbed a rock and threw it in a random direction, surprisingly, someone caught it. Draco's eyes widened as he looked at the kid who caught the rock, "I believe this is yours" The black-haired male said throwing the rock gently back at him. He didn't catch it.

Draco stared at the boy, he was talking to him and the blonde didn't know what to do as nobody talks to a Malfoy because the society classed them as dark. He was shocked to meet someone that wanted to talk to him, but this boy wasn't just talking about stuff that didn't matter, the black-haired boy knew what he's going through just by uttering eight words that changed his life for the better.

"You know your father's doing something wrong right?" The boy said staring at him, Draco gulped, how the hell did this kid know that crucial information?! "Uh, I don't know what you're talking about!" Draco said nervously shifting in his seat. The kid just shrugged and turned around to walk away "You're just like him then.." 

Draco's eyes widened, maybe this guy knew something to help him, he quickly stood up and ran after the guy "WAIT!" he said before grabbing the kid's shoulder and looked at him, "Yes, my father's a bad person, but I'm not like him, can you help me?" the blonde said and he was answered by another male's voice "We can help you" 

Draco turned around to face the voice and he saw a guy around his twenties with a girl with brunette locks who was probably his age and another girl with straight hair that looked like his age. What the hell is this guy, a kidnapper?!

But after a thorough plan, Draco Malfoy became no more, and Draco Lyre was born.

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