Draco pt 2

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Draco went back inside the house after meeting up with Alexei, the man who helped him think of something up. They were already leaving and his father looked mad, he always does. He went into the fireplace and arrived at the manor he hated.

The young lad was pretty smart for his age since his father made him do extra lessons and pureblood stuff. He, of course, hated those blasted lessons his father wanted him to do but he had no choice on the matter.

But Draco, even though he didn't want to admit it, he was silently thankful for those lessons. He heard his father's footsteps nearing him and he turned around, looking him in the eye.

"Why didn't you associate with those kids Draco?" his father spat at him with a creepy smile adorning his face, Draco didn't say anything as he looked into his father's cold eyes.

"Why aren't you answering Draco?" he said grabbing the boy by the collar and raising him a bit, The blonde boy didn't falter as he just stared into the wall.

"Draco.." Lucius said in a very creepy and scary like manner that would send chills down anyones spine. Draco adverted his eyes as he tried to stay calm.

"Sorry father but I just can't mingle with the future prisoners of the country" he said with a small smile, "I'm already talking with a wanted man though, does that count?" 

Lucius growled before he threw Draco to the floor, the boy didn't flinch as he expected that. "What did you say? You ungrateful brat! I am here providing you everything you need  and with the Dark Lord-"

"That was beaten by a baby" Draco smirked at his father, he hated how he always talked about Voldemort as if he was his pride and glory, Dark lord here, Dark lord there and stuff like that. 

His father though looked shocked, the dramatic kind of shock. "How dare you insult the dark lord, no son of mine should ever insult the dark lord"

Draco didn't like that as he frowned "I won't follow the Dark Lord" he said anger and pain evident in his voice. Lucius stared at him before grabbing him again in the collar, "Listen to me, Its either you leave or follow!" he said before adding "I swear that I will disown you the moment you leave this place" 

Lucius said venom and a bit of desperation in his tone. Draco smirked before tearing himself away from his father's grasp. "I'm disowned then" he said before walking towards the door and never to return.


Pretty short and I'm really sorry that I took so long to update, It's just that my parents aren't exactly allowing me to use gadgets at the moment except when I do something really good like studying or something.

Hope you like this even though it sucks

And  oh yeah before I forget,

Sneak peek for the next chap:

The brunette ran as far as she could, tears flowing freely down her eyes as she hoped that they wouldn't find her, that they wouldn't kill her. She saw a hut and contemplated for a moment wether she should enter. She heard voices and rushed footsteps behind her nd knew that she had no choice. 

"Hey are you alright?" A small boy asked her, she saw another man behind the boy looking concerned as well, that's when she felt it, she felt safe.

I swear, Alexei just keeps appearing everywhere 

The chap should be out the next time I could use my laptop so I guess about 5- 7 days heh or maybe more.

I'm out,

L. Snicket

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