Chapter 3

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I knew I was caught off guard, but I tried to act like this information didn't affect me in anyway. "They can't just search my apartment." I didn't want to seem like I was some scared little pussy, I couldn't just silently sit there.

Clay laughed, "You were found next to a dead body with a gun in your hand, they can do whatever they want." Clay sat back down in his chair, the cheap foldable chair. "Didn't know you lived in such a shabby place, such a fall from grace. Back in college I swore you had something in you."

I scoffed, "You're really gonna bring back those times?"

"I thought you know... get into one of those big law firms."

"You're such a fucking dick, you know that."

"Oh come on, how do you think I got here? I got to where I am by being a dick." Clay chuckled as he crossed his arms. "But you know, you never told me why you dropped out. I mean you just got accepted into one of those shitty Ivy Leagues."

"How is this conversation affecting me and the decision that will put me in prison for over half of my life?" I rolled my eyes. He really knows how to push my buttons.

"I just want to know. Y/n..." Clay tapped his fingers on the table. "This is just some friendly banter." He smirked.

"You know how much I'm fucking paying you for each word that comes out of your mouth right now?" I glared at him.

Clay laughed, "You're probably not gonna pay me for the next 20 years, you know...because you're broke."

I didn't say anything at that moment, refusing to reply to him. I don't want to talk to him any longer. "I want a new lawyer."

We were both silent as Clay got up out of his chair, just the sound of his every movement filling the void of silence that contaminated the investigation room. His were hands on the table as he leaned closer and closer to me. He stopped, just inches away from the side of my face. "That's funny," He whispered in my ear before taking his brief case and leaving the room.

"That son of a bitch." I muttered to myself as the door shut.


All I could feel was my life slowly crumbling. I haven't slept in days.

My friend at the time and I were both walking to our classes. The college campus was located in the middle of a city, I lived in an apartment just a couple blocks away.

"Is that fucking alcohol?" Victoria could get the smell from even a small sniff. "Holy fucking shit." I was a good student, went to all my classes, got good grades, all that shit, with that in mind, me drinking on the night before a fucking Thursday seemed absurd to Victoria.

I didn't say anything back to her in response, just kept on walking and kept my head down, not bothering to engage in any conversation with her. We walked in silence, the sound of the wind and the small taps of each of our steps being the only thing heard.

"Uh...y/n....this is Victoria. I heard the news about your parents, I'm really sorry. If you wanna talk, I'm always here. Call me back when you can."

"This is Victoria...again, I haven't seen you in a long time. I'm really worried about you, please call me back.

"Y/n, this is Victoria, call me back. You haven't showed up to class in over a month. I went to your apartment and a different person was in living in it. Where are you? Call me back."

"New voicemail," I whispered to myself as I sat on a stool located in my shitty apartment. One of my many voicemails from that bitch, take a hint and leave me alone. I went back to mindlessly scrolling on my phone until a call interrupted me. Mumbling a swear, I answered it seeing that it was work related.

"What do you want." My voice was straight forward and annoyed.

"We have another shipment coming in today and this client wants it immediately." The voice of one of my coworkers answered back.

"Today's my off day, I'm not doing shit." I scoffed.

"They're willing to pay extra. And plus, what else do you have to do? Get high? You do that everyday, you're lucky that I haven't snitched you out on Offerman."

I rolled my eyes, "You do the same thing too." My foot manically tapped on the floor, I could be doing better things than having this conversation.

"Yes, but I'm not doing it like a fucking addict."

"We're all addicts here!" I laughed.

"At least we're not making it so fucking obvious. Offerman's gonna wonder why so much fucking cocaine is missing and he's gonna fucking kill us.

"Okay, okay, I get it, I get it." The phone stayed silent for a couple seconds. "...But how much extra is he giving us?"

"$2000, we split it."

"Bullshit, I'm not doing that. Tammy's probably coming too, I'm being payed too low to work with that bitch." Ever since joining them I've always hated that bitch.

"Okay, okay, $8,000, we split it three way."

"It's more than that isn't it? You're such a fucking asshole."

"I swear man, thats the price. And that's only the extra pay, we still get our share from the product itself eh."

"Fine, I'll be there in 15 minutes." I ended the phone call.

I accidentally kicked around a couple beer bottles that filled the shitty apartments as I made my way to the door to only to remember to grab my car kets.. I looked around the room for a couple moments. "Shit," can never remember where I leave them, usually takes me a couple minutes to find that mother fucker. God my life is a mess.

The Tip of My Bullet { Dreamwastaken X Reader }Where stories live. Discover now