Chapter 5

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A couple weeks passed and a few visits from Clay later my hope was getting lower and lower. I laid on the uncomfortable bed, my head on the cheap pillow, lifelessly staring up at the ceiling.

I flinched at a sudden noise, caught off guard.

I turned to a police man on the other side of the prison bars. He looked as if he was not so fond of what was about to come out of his own mouth. "You've been let go, and have been proven innocent." He sighed, obviously agitated that he was letting me go free.

When I finally got out with my old clothes back on, what I saw to my surprise yet disappointment was Clay. He was sitting in his fancy black car that looked like the price of my entire college tuition while on his phone, before noticing me walking up to him.

I hesitantly made my way into the passenger side of his car as Clay scrambled to adjust the passenger seat up since it was laying flat down. "Fuck, fuck, fuck," He mumbled as the seat was moving painfully slow. He put on a fake smile when he saw me get in, the seat getting up just in time. "Y/N!"

"Clay..." I mumbled as I got into the car. 

Clay started to drive the car. "Anything you wanna say to me?"

I didn't respond back, just staring out of the passenger side window.

"Just like I said, I'm pretty good aren't I?" Clay glanced at the time on his watch.

"I wasn't prosecuted for the cocaine?" I looked ahead.

"Technically, I basically just paid the bail for that shit. Having connections really does wonders and if you have money anything is possible."

"You paid?" I looked over at him.

Clay laughed, "Hell no, by I, I mean Wilbur. That son of a bitch paid for everything. What a fucking moron." Clay quickly changed the subject, not wanting to talk about Wilbur. "I got you out without a trial. which would have costed you thousands, I told you to trust me." He smirked, happy with himself.

"You took almost a month."

"Better than 25+ years of prison." Clay glanced at me then back at the road. "And hey, I still had to build a strong case for you, I'm busy you know."

"Tch, where are we going now?" I watched the trees that laid beside the road pass, we were driving further and further away from the holding facility which was located in a more rural area.

"My office." Clay answered. 

I didn't even question him at this point, I've been cooped up in that cell for so long l was just relieved to be out.

I chuckled, "Bet Tammy's having a great time right now." 

"You gonna get your revenge or some shit?

I turned to him, Why should I tell you? For all I know you could be a fucking snitch."

"Do I look like the type to snitch?" Clay stared right back at me. 

I stared at him for a silent moment, looking up and down at him. "Eyes on the road." He didn't look like the type to snitch, still not sure if I could trust him though.

"Oh wow," Clay sarcastically replied. "You got a plan yet?"

"You left me to rot in a cell for almost a month, what do you think."

"Touché," I chuckled.

The rest of the car ride was silence. I lifelessly stared through the window the entire time while Clay was focused on driving.


the elevator opened to the 28th floor of the building, walking out was the entrance to Clay's law firm. Even the entrance itself was prestigious. Though I felt out of place, I was great at bullshitting my importance. 

We made our way to Clay's office. I sat in one of his chairs while Clay seated himself at his desk, already going back to work. 

"Why'd you bring me here?" I laid my feet on his coffee table.

"Wilbur's gonna pick you up. You're in his hands now." Clay scoffed, noticeably discomforted by just saying Wilbur's name.

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⏰ Last updated: Dec 13, 2021 ⏰

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