n i n e

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january 16, 2020

"i really wanted to eat," sunoo whines as he and heeseung sit inside the bus heading back home.

it was there. the meat is ready to be eaten but they didn't have time to stay since for some messed up reason, jungwon and ni-ki decided to sit on the table beside theirs.

i'm going to slap that kid when i see him.

the older boy grumbles, leaning his head against the window, "we wasted a lot of money for nothing."

sunoo faces him, seeing the very visible pout on his face. "how much did you pay?"

"i don't really know. we were in a hurry," heeseung replies, disappointed.

sunoo can't blame him for his behavior. the guy lost money for food they weren't able to eat. to add, one of the things in his bucket list wasn't completed today.

his stomach grumbles.

heeseung is probably hungry too. they spent an hour inside the bathroom stall, with food just within their reach. it's extremely frustrating.

i wonder what mom cooked tonight...

"i guess we're eating at our homes then, huh?" he smiles a little to lighten up the mood.

"yeah... sure." heeseung nods, hugging his backpack closer to his chest. he still looks discouraged. the younger boy assumes he's still upset about the samgyupsal.

sunoo then finds himself thinking of how they would be able to fulfill today's agenda.
he looks at the hour on his phone, reading '6:45 pm'. after that, he looks out the window for signs of a familiar street.

"it's one block away..." he muses, calling heeseung's attention.


sunoo offers a polite smile. "there is this restaurant where my mom and i used to take home crispy pork skin from."

heeseung catches on to what he says with a slow nod. "i thought you're eating at home?"

sunoo shrugs. "you looked a little disappointed there. figured we could still cross eating grilled food off the list today even if things didn't end up as expected."

there is a deep, contemplating look on heeseung's face. sunoo thinks he isn't going to agree before a small smirk comes to his lips. "you're paying."

sunoo narrows his eyes at him. heeseung stares back, steadfast.

well, he did pay earlier...

sunoo scoffs in defeat. it is the least he can do to make things even. "fine."

heeseung's eyes show surprise at his compliance. "i was joking, sunoo-ssi."

"you paid earlier so the least i can do is pay for our food now."

"i'm paying."

heeseung leaves no room for arguments as he turns away from him to look out the window.

sunoo quirks an eyebrow before a small smile comes to his face. "thanks."

he only gets a hum in response though he can see a small twitch in heeseung's mouth.

few minutes later and the old, small restaurant comes into sight. it certainly brings sunoo memories of seeing it from inside the car as his mom parks. "there it is. come on, heeseung-ssi."

"it's just across the street," sunoo says once they got out of the bus, slinging his bag on one shoulder.

"then, let's go. i'm hungry." heeseung doesn't waste time and starts to cross the road the second the light turned green. surprised, sunoo follows. the way heeseung walks so fast has him grabbing the older's wrist before taking a sprint.

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