t w e n t y - o n e

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may 9, 2020

the sun is merciful this morning in its heat, with the presence of white clouds sprinkled across the sky, and there is the ever present cool breeze that makes strolling in the streets, their heads bare from the sunlight, bearable. refreshing even.

appropriately, sunoo can say that the weather is in good spirits today or rather, is reflecting the shine that has been dancing in heeseung's eyes the whole day.

it is a sight deserving of immortalisation, the look on heeseung's face. sunoo has been itching to take a photo of him all morning, to capture and preserve the significance of this trip not just to heeseung but to sunoo as well.

now may not be the right time so he is going to allow himself the luxury of watching and seeing heeseung with his own two eyes, real and within reach.

holding heeseung's hand awhile ago spurs the desire to do it again- to touch him. it spikes up in sunoo's system and before it could reach an extreme in which he will act on it, he urges it to hide away, for now.

he did tell himself that if words don't work for him then he's going to take action, but friends do not hold hands. as much as he knows they're not just friends anymore, they are still in the borders of friendship. labels do exist for a reason, don't they? sunoo doesn't want to confuse heeseung, doesn't want to make him think he's leading him on. heeseung has already been put through hell, courtesy of his pigheadedness, and sunoo cares too much about his hyung that he'd never subject him to that turmoil ever again if he can help it.

ugh. why can't he just tell heeseung how he feels? he badly wants to tell heeseung that he likes him. to shout to the world that he feels for him, wants to be all cheesy and couple-like with him, but why is it that whenever he garners enough courage to say those three words, his throat closes up and his mind goes blank?

why is it so difficult?

then, it hits him when he runs his head over the whole purpose of this trip again. it hits so close to home that he slightly blanches when heeseung catches his gaze and a good-natured smirk is thrown his way.

"see that building over there?" yeji points as she halts, tone genial.

her three companions simultaneously direct their eyes to her pointed finger's direction. sunoo mentally makes notes of observation in his head at its physical attributes which are honestly not worth scrutinizing over. the building is of fairly average elevation, its painted colors faded and blotched with a telling amount of time. it's aged, that much he can say, but he's no architect to say that it isn't sturdy. judging from the fact that it looks like it is still being occupied, based on the people going in and out, it definitely is still in well enough condition.

"it's the nearest dormitory to the school. a friend of mine, yeonjun, lives there. i'll put in a good word for you," yeji declares, amiably patting heeseung on the shoulder.

"thanks, noona. how near is it to the school?" heeseung inquires.

"uh, like it's right across from it?" yeji sounds amused. with a harmless bump, she lightly pushes heeseung to the direction she's referring to.

sunoo raises an eyebrow but keeps his mouth shut and follows their gazes. what meets him is a building a contrast so stark from the dormitory.

the whole university, of course, is new and is in much higher quality than the run down dormitory. glass windows are spick and span, flawless coating on the outside walls and it is well-equipped with security personnel. consisting of two buildings, or at least two from what he can see right across from it, sunoo can tell this university spans a wide space of land and for good reason. masses of students go out and about though the pristine crimson gate of the school. one good look at the clean and well-groomed faces of the students and their polished white porsches is enough evidence of the prestige and class this university carries. knowing heeseung was scouted to study in the very same school makes sunoo's heart swell with pride.

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