t w e n t y - t h r e e

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may 14, 2020

never in sunoo's life would he expect to be kept a secret. don't get him wrong- he's not mad at heeseung or his idea of hiding their relationship from his parents, most specifically his mom, but it feels bizarre and strangely thrilling to be that kind of boyfriend who sneaks into his significant other's room at 10 pm by climbing up the window.

but sitting here, playing a video game with heeseung, on heeseung's bed, doesn't make the notion unwelcome at all.

he must have stared too long because inevitably, heeseung tears his gaze from the tv and to him.

the older boy pauses the game and tilts his head in question. "what is it? are you bored?"

sunoo lightly waves his hand in dismissal. "no. no. i don't know, this just feels slightly..." he trails off to find the best suited word.


"i was going to say like a guilty pleasure but that works too."

heeseung chuckles but the sound dies as quick as it came.

"i'm sorry, sunoo. this is unfair to you. i just- you know my mom. she coddles me. the most i can get for privacy is here in my room but i don't think that would even last long. the only other person who is not family that she tolerates is jay and i-"

"it's okay. really," sunoo interrupts softly. "your mom wasn't exactly fond of me the first time we met so i understand."

he truly does. heeseung's history is not the most pleasant one and if there was one person who has witnessed it all firsthand, it's heeseung's mom. sunoo doesn't blame her at all.

however, he wishes she can see that heeseung is not as vulnerable as she makes him out to be anymore. he isn't going to be under her care forever.

heeseung reaches out to squeeze his hand. "thanks. it's just... you deserve to be seen, not hidden."

"i think i'm content with you seeing me as your boyfriend. i don't care if people don't know that."

heeseung smiles gratefully, giving his hand one more squeeze.

the game resumes smoothly. though, sunoo notices the worried furrow in heeseung's brow and his jutted bottom lip.

"so..." he starts.


"am i your dirty little secret?"

a unintelligible snort escapes heeseung and sunoo watches as his features relax, being relieved himself. "you can say that. hey, do you want ramyeon? i can sneak some into my room."

sunoo's face lights up at the mention of food, his stomach growling to second the notion. this is a recurring problem for him at night, getting hungry despite eating generously during dinner.

half an hour later, heeseung comes back with a steaming pot of ramyeon. he leaves quickly to get bowls and other things as sunoo waits, figuratively drooling already.

sunoo finds it funny that there is exactly one thing that he notices as they eat at the foot of heeseung's bed.

"this is our first date," he relays, grinning through a mouthful of ramyeon.

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