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Silver deactivated her saber-staff and hung it back on her belt as Jovul tucks his lightsaber hilt back into his belt, as he pulled off his helmet.

"How do you do it?" Anakin asked him, as they all walked together to the nearest area to where the ship could have landed.

"The armor is a part of me. It is over 300 years old." Jovul said simply, as he held his helmet under his arm, as they walk. and the clones were high fiving him, since he held his helmet like they did.

"Our cruiser must be back." Obi-Wan interrupts, the very interesting sort of conversation that Anakin and Jovul as a team were getting into, successfully drawing them back to the task at their hand.

"Which means that we will be able to get our much-needed reinforcements, now." Anakin stated and Silver grins a little bit, as Jovul was messing around with the Padawan braid in his hair.

"Is something the matter?" Silver asked her padawan, as he was looking around and he sighed quietly.

"I find myself missing home. I miss Mandalore, just more and more each day... is there any way to rectify such blatant disregard for the attachments rule?" He asked with a sigh and Silver, she just chuckles a little bit.

"Have you seen, just how close Anakin and I are? Have you seen how close Obi-Wan and we are? You do not need to forget about Mandalore, you just need to keep your mind focused and in the present day, rather than in the past or future." Silver said with a grin, as she gently punched him in the arm, being mindful of the Beskar steel that covers most of his upper body, as armor.

"Well, it looks like our problems are all good and solved. Fresh troops, new supplies, and perhaps today, they've even brought my new Padawan with them." Obi-Wan said and on his other side, Silver winced at the words 'new' and 'padawan' being put together.

"Do you really think that it's a good idea to bring a Padawan learner into all of this?" Anakin asked and a cough came from beside Silver, as Jovul gave him, rather pointed look for the same reason. "Yes but you already had a lot of battlefield experience, when you're lucky to have come to us. Bunch of it."

Jovul shrugged and almost dropped his helmet, but decided to put it back on his head, in case it was not to be a proper thing, for him to show his face to strangers.

"I spoke to Master Yoda about it. You should put in a request for one. You'd make an good teacher." Obi-Wan said, and Silver nodded slightly.

"No, thanks." Anakin speaks up against it at once, as Jovul was now smirking a little bit under his helmet.

"Anakin, teaching is a privilege. And, it is part of a Jedi's responsibilities to be a help, and a willing teacher to be a help to train the next generations, of our Order." Obi-Wan pointed out.

"A Padawan would just slow me down." Anakin pointed out and Jovul had to scoff at that, shaking his head a bit at him.

"Well. It is a rather good thing, that I didn't get assigned to you, then." Jovul said quietly, but his tone was harsh to their ears.

The ship opened and down the ramp that folded out of it, came a youngling now, and one that Jovul recognized.

"Ahsoka." He said and pulled off his helmet quickly, unworried about his ancient customs at the moment and a grin spread across his face.

"Jovul." The young Togruta grinned and waved at him, while she stops in front of the three Jedi and Jovul, who steps up quickly.

"And who are you supposed to be?" It was naturally Anakin who had to be a blunt person and just ask outright.

"I'm Ahsoka. Master Yoda sent me. I was told to tell all of you that you all must get back to the Jedi Temple, and immediately. There's an emergency."

Jovul raised his eyebrows at Obi-Wan Kenobi and Silver Skywalker, the two Jedi here, who were actually Masters, and who were on the Jedi Council for any instructions, while Anakin was all blundering on as usual.

"Well, I don't know if you have noticed, but we're in a bit of a big emergency right here." Anakin said quickly.

"Yes, our communications have been a bit unreliable, but we've been callin' for help." Obi-Wan swiftly as usual, he was interruptin' Anakin's rant about a emergency.

"Master Yoda hadn't heard from you so he sent me to deliver the message."

Ahsoka said and Anakin looked like he was about to go on yet another one of his rants and Silver just simply now shakes her head at him.

"Maybe you can relay a signal through the cruiser that just dropped me off." Ahsoka suggested to Anakin's back and Obi-Wan's face, as they look at each other and Jovul was up in the watchtower with the clones.

[1] The Mandalorian Padawan [The Clone Wars]Where stories live. Discover now