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"Koh-to-ya, Master Plo." Ahsoka greeted the Jedi Master, as the holo of him, appeared in their line of sight on the table.

Jovul and Silver walked swiftly toward the hologram of Master Plo Koon, as Anakin beckoned them all over.

"Koh-to-ya, little 'soka." Master Plo Koon greets her gently, as Silver nods her head in greeting.

"Master Plo." She stated and Plo nodded back to her simply, as a brief exchange of respect, as they were now both Jedi Masters.

"How's the hunt for the mystery weapon going?" Anakin asked after their brief pleasantries had been done with, and Silver was standing next to Anakin opposite Ahsoka, as Jovul stands on her right.

"We have tracked it to the Abregrado system. We need reinforcements." Master Plo said gravely and Anakin looked over at Silver by his side, as she knew what he was thinking at once.

"I will have to ask the Council for permission, Master Plo. I was giving strict orders to protect our staging of areas." Anakin said and Ahsoka rolled her eyes, as Jovul stayed silent, having a bit of an idea, or so he thought, of just what they were exactly trying to do.

Master Plo's transmission was lost and now they were in the middle of the Council Meeting.

"We have had no further contact or attempted transmissions with Master Plo Koon." Silver said solemnly, as she was standing next to Jovul, who was a sight to behold, since he did not have the familiar Beskar Steel armor, that he had become famous amongst their younger generation of Jedi and elder as well, for wearing into battle.

"Which indicates to us, that his fleet was destroyed, just like the others and the rest." Anakin finished and Jovul's eyes were emotionless, empty and he looked over to Ahsoka, who looked all too terrified at the prospects, of losing Plo Koon.

"I'm sorry, but I am afraid that we can't risk any more ships for a good rescue, that will be doomed to fail if the Separatists find you." Masters Windu and Yoda agreed, while it was Obi-Wan who looked hesitant.

Chancellor Palpatine, he was on the meeting and he also agreed with the two Masters, and Ahsoka, she had lost it on them for leaving Plo Koon to die.

Silver sighed at Obi-Wan's knowing look and she looked over at the ship's admiral, since she knew that he could have been the only one to give them all away. "He redeployed with Ahsoka and Jovul is following them. I suppose that I should go after them?" She asks, and Obi-Wan scoffed quietly at her words, as a smirk appeared on her face and they both had their answers.

"Master Qui-Gon would've been very proud of you." He said and she smiled at him, as she nodded slightly.

"High praise, coming from the senior apprentice." She said and he looked as if he was trying to determine whether she was serious or not. "May the Force be with you." She stated and he nods.

"May the Force be with you." The transmission was ended and Silver looked over at Jovul's lightsaber, that he had left behind.

She picked up the lightsaber and turned it on with a light push of the button, as the blade lights up blue and she smiled a little bit at the memories, that it brought back of her, Obi-Wan and Anakin's misadventures.

"I hate it when he does that."

After Anakin had jumped off of the Speeder on Coruscant and Silver was able to take over, and Obi-Wan caught the lightsaber, that Anakin had rather quickly dropped.

"Why do you have to go after him now?!"

"Because you won't. And also, he is my little brother, and therefore he is just as much my responsibility, as yours, Master Kenobi."

Obi-Wan's complaining voice echoed through Silver's mind and she smiled a little bit, as she quickly shuts off the blue blade and walks over to her ship in the hangar bay.

She sighed quietly and she walked quickly up the ramp, and the Hangar Bay shield dropped swiftly.

She flew out of the Hangar and jumped into Hyperspace, as soon as R6 had done his job right. She flew out to the Abregado system, as soon as she could.

She dropped out of hyperspace, and it seemed like she was just in time, as an incoming transmission came through.

"Master Skywalker." Ahsoka's voice came through and Silver smiled a bit and she spotted Jovul outside of their window, and she waved him ahead of her.

Jovul flew through the shield in Anakin's ship, and he took off his helmet with a hissing, unlocking sound and he looked at it.

"I need to throw the helmet over to you Master, but I don't know if I can make the throw through all the debris around us." He said, through the coms unit on his forearm, and Silver looked at the debris field all around them.

She concentrated and all around them, the debris field separated, just enough for them to make a small path that was big enough for Silver, to fly her ship straight to theirs.

Jovul tossed it through the shield and the Beskar helmet floated through the space, until Silver brought it over now to herself with the Force.

"I have a dangerous idea, should whatever the mystery weapon is, if it would ever be returning to this here system." Silver said, once she had gotten through space with help of the helmet. "Thank you, Jovul." She said and handed it back to him, as he nods a bit.

They managed to find Master Plo Koon, as well as some of his clones only to find out that there was a ion cannon on the Malevolence, which is the mystery weapon that every one of the Order was going on and on about.

And it was now sending the ion cannon straight for them. "Jovul! Now! Do it now!" Silver shouted and Jovul slapped his jetpack and pushed hard with the Force, and Silver's ship disconnected from theirs. It ended up in the blast wave, as theirs along with Jovul barely making it back inside, it disappeared into hyperspace.

"We need to give our report to the Grand Council now." Jovul muttered glumly, and Silver smiled a little bit at him.

"Come along, all of you." Master Plo stated and the two Skywalkers, along with their padawans and R2D2 follow him toward the Jedi Council.

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