Truth: Acquired!

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His hair is surprisingly soft. It looks more jagged and rough than it really is, strange. "Baku! My head hurts!" Denki whines.

"Yeah, it's going to hurt." He pouts and plays with the ends on my hair. I sigh, he really doesn't have too much sense of self at the moment does he? He's acting childish, mixed with how he acts when he short circuits during fights. He's more bubbly, more loose, and doesn't seem to comprehend what's actually going on around him.

I wonder what he's actually thinking.

I feel a tingle next to my head. I turn my head to see sparks on Denki's hands once again; he stares at them, almost longingly. "Hey, don't do that," I say while moving his hand down causing the sparks to go away, "why do you do that Pikachu?" He unwraps his arms from around my neck; he sits up and looks at me like I just asked him one of the most stupid questions in the world.

"Wha yo' mean?" He asks with a slur.

"Why are you using your quirk on yourself, Denki?" I huff out. He giggles and lays himself back on me, "quirk? Was that?" I sigh, "never mind Spark plug. Don't worry about it." I feel him nod against my shoulder as I look down his back as it rises and falls from the small giggles still coming from the boy.

That must have hurt. How do you even do that to someone? What went through someone's mind to do that?

I clench my fist and let out a low growl.

Giggling had stoped, "hey you okay? Did you fall asleep or somethin'?" I ask. No response, just quicken breaths, and trebling from the boy below me. "Man that hurts..." Denki sits himself up and stands, not noticing me, "I wonder how long I was out for..." he bites his lip wincing, and looks at himself in the mirror with a confused face, "when did I-"

"Hey, Spark Plug." He freezes, his eyes widen as he slowly looks over at me. Denki falls on his bottom and backs up until his back is up against the wall, he looks terrified. "W-what? What are you doing? D-don't come near!" He shouts while covering his head, I nod and stay seated in my place on the floor. "H-how much did you see?" He says as he grabs at his hair while panting, "oh god, how much did you see?!" I quickly go over to him and cover his mouth hushing him, "you need to be quiet. The others are still sleeping. Now do you want your explanation or are you going to shout?" Denki shakes his head while trembling.

I remove my hand from his mouth, "I saw you use your quirk on yourself, and I saw the scratches on your back, and the bruises on you." His eyes water as I talk. "I patched you up. I tried asking you questions but you were too out of it to answer." He hiccups as tears run down his face. He doesn't move, just stares at the ground with fear in his eyes, occasionally choking on his sobs. "Hey Denki, you still there?"

"S-shut up! Don't say my name! Stay away! D-don't hurt me..." he shouts while squeezing his eyes shut, "y-you've seen how weak I am now! And you had to patch me up. How pathetic... I'm so pathetic! You're going to punish me like he does aren't you? I probably deserve it a-any way..." sparks circle his head. "God I want this moment to disappear!"

I moves his hands away from his head and hold them down by his hips, "Kaminari, I'm not going to hurt you." He lifts his head looking at me with a broken expression as the sparks around his head fade. I hold in my anger as I try to calm him down.

Why would someone hurt him like this? This isn't all right. He looks so scared. That bastard, I'll kill him!

"You need to calm down Spark plug. You're not pathetic. It's just me, Bakugo, I'm not going to punish you for anything," more tears stream down his face, "I promise. Now breath, in for four, out slowly for four. Okay?"

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