Back to School

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After we hung out in the field for a few hours, we all went back to my place. Everyone gathered their things and went to their own homes for the rest of the night. Daiko had to work that night so I was let off the hook, and ended my night texting the 'Bakusquad' and fell asleep with a smile.

"Riiing.... riiing..." I grumble to myself as I roll over on my side. "What is that?" I sit up and look at my phone; it's buzzing and ringing with a caller ID spread across the screen. Mina. I pick up the phone and answer, "hel-"

"Morning Kami! Are you okay? Did anything happen when we left? Do you need me to come over?" Mina's voice rung through my ear before I could even say hello.

"Huh? Y-yeah I'm okay Mina. Nothing happened, I just went to bed after you left. No need to raid my house, calm down." I say with a yawn, "and why are you calling me so early? It's like six o'clock." I ask her after checking the time.

"Just wanted to make sure you were okay! We're all worried about you."

I laugh a little to myself.


"Well I'm okay. I've got to get ready now, call you later?"

"No! Stay on call please? Just to be safe?" Mina says with a whine and a small stutter. I smile, "okay Mina, I can do that. Did you get the rest of the squad in on this because I have texts from everyone else too... Even Bakugo." I hear the girl laugh on the other end, "nope! That was all them! I just told them I would call you in the morning is all." I hum in response as I push myself off my bed.

"Putting you on speaker, watch what you say," I say as I walk to the bathroom and place my phone on top of the sink. "Got it!" Mina says, her voice echos off the walls and back into my ears; I smile. "So what are you doing right now?"

"Getting dressed, what about you?"

"Bruing mah teef," I say with a toothbrush in my mouth.

"Well don't talk while you're doing it!"

"You asth," I can almost hear her rolling her eyes as I spit in the sink. "I'm done," I say as I fix up my hair. "Good! Now go eat or somethi- Wait why did you brush your teeth before eating?"

"Uhm n-no reason," I stutter out. I hear her sigh and some ruffling in the background as she moves around, "eat something okay?" She says. I gulp and tap my foot, "y-yeah..."

"You ready for the rest of the fights? You're going against Bakugo right? Wonder what he'll do considering everything..."

"Yep! I'm sure it'll be fine though. I don't expect him to act any different or not give me his all, it's Bakugo we're talking about; and what about you? You go up against Mineta, right?"

"Ugh! Don't remind me! That peeping Tom, perverted grape. He's probably going to make it weird!" she says with a small shout. I laugh as I put on my school uniform, "I'm sure you'll be fine! It won't be that hard to beat him yeah?" Mina let's out a sigh, "I guess you're right."

I finish my business upstairs and make my way down the stairs. It was closer to seven in the morning now, "Good morning Denki," Daiko says as I walk past him. "M-morning," he walks towards me and places a hand on my shoulder, "who are you talking to?" He asks with a stern tone. "I-it's just Mina, from last night sir," I say with a gulp; Mina grumbles in my ear as I talk. "...I see, are you two close?" A small blush makes it's way up my ears, "I m-mean, we're just friends y'know? N-not that I would mind either way," I say quietly. Mina's grumbling stops, and is replaced with small stutters.

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