chapter five: glass

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The next week went by in a flash.

Jean and I trained hard with our team, preparing ourselves for the upcoming expedition. We would leave first thing tomorrow morning.

We decided to not train the day before the mission since we wanted our squad to be fully healed and energized for the big day.

Jean was still hard at work with all his paperwork since this morning.

I swear I have never seen that man sleep.

I leaned against the doorframe of the office as I watch him work away.

"Are you ever going to take a break?" I walk into the office, taking a seat in the chair across from him, crossing my legs.

He glances up at me before looking back at the paper he was holding.

"After the mission."

"Yesterday during our ODM gear practice, you nearly ran into a building," I respond with a small smirk on my face.

He glares at me before rolling his eyes. "I'll be fine."

"You won't be saying that tomorrow when you accidentally fall asleep on your horse," I joke.

"Ha Ha," he responds sarcastically, "You are so funny."

I lean back in my chair as I look around the office. Two tall bookshelves lined the wall behind him and two closets for our ODM gear were besides the large window that allowed plenty of natural light into our room.

"Are you just going to sit there and bother me while I work?" he asks, causing me to bring my focus back to him.

I hum to myself before speaking. "I will sit here and bother you until you finally decide to take a break."

He looks up towards me again to stare at me.

"Either you go and take a break, or I knock you out so you'll be forced to take one," I say with a smile as we hold eye contact.

He scoffs. "Yeah, like you would actually do that."

I stare at him blankly.

"Yes. Yes I would."

His eyes slightly widen when he realizes that I was being serious. He takes a minute to think before leaning back in his chair, groaning.


I give him a smile. "See? Was that so hard?" I reply, poking fun at him.

"Shut up."

He finally stands from his chair, stretching his arms and neck. He leaves the office and heads straight into his room, closing the door behind him.

I leave the office as well and head to my room to take a quick shower.

With a towel wrapped around my body, I make my way to my closet on the opposite side of my room.

The sound of a door opening comes from the left as I freeze.

Shit. Shit. Shit.

I snap my head towards the direction of the door to see Jean staring at me with wide eyes.

I had totally forgotten that I had no door. I quickly use the door of the closet to cover my body as I feel my face start to heat up, getting red.

"Oh my god. I'm sorry," I sputter out. "I totally forgot that my door was gone."

I put my eyes anywhere expect on his. For the first time ever, I was so embarrassed, and I did not know what to do.

"O- oh," I hear him say, his hand rubbing the back of his neck. "Um, it's fine."

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