Chapter 6

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Oh boy, where do I begin with this one? The past few days have been quite hectic, alright. So, let me start with the other day: we woke up early again, we had breakfast, and we got ready for filming "You Risk Your Life" at our makeup spots. As we headed to the soundstage again, I noticed that Dot had a sour look on her face again. So, I asked her,
"Dot? You ok?"
She ignored me, so we stopped.
"Why did we stop?" asked Dot.
"Before we continue, can you please tell me why you have that look on your face again?"
"Oh this? It's because I was all out of mascara."
"Ok, then..we'll get more later on."
"Really?! Why do we have to wait?? Mascara is very important to me!"
"But, you only put mascara on whenever your cuteness is needed for an episode. Why are you freaking out now?"
"I'm the cute one! Remember??"
"We gotta get to the soundstage. Filming should start in a bit. We can talk about this later, ok Dot?"

We arrived at the soundstage and Wakko and I got ready for the episode with me getting into my costume and Wakko getting tied onto the cable suspension. Meanwhile, Dot walked to a chair and sat down. Oh, did I mention that Dr. Scratchansniff is in this episode too? He played as the announcer of this episode. I was ready early, but I saw Scratchy was in the middle of getting ready. So, I walked over to him and asked,
"Dr. Scratchansniff?"
He turned around and said,
"Oh? What is it, Yakko?"
"Uhhhhh, I'm not sure if you noticed this, but I'm concerned about Dot."
I then heard the director say,
"Alright, places everyone!"
"We'll talk later during our break, right?" Scratchy said to me.
"Got it!" I replied.

Filming this episode was pretty fun! It was fun imitating Groucho Marx because a lot of people have told me that I was a lot like him. Heck, some have said that my voice sounds like Groucho on helium. I thought that was a nice compliment! Anyways, everyone was laughing out loud at lots of things, from my line deliveries to Wakko smashing the Aristotle actor with that mallet. Unfortunately, just like last time, Dot was not having it. But it was worse. This time, she kept saying things like,
"Big whoop!"
"Who cares??"
At this point, filming this episode was almost complete. We had our break and I rushed up to Scratchy. He said,
"Ok, so you were talking about Dot, right?"
"Right" I said.
"Come to think of it, I saw her earlier while we were filming. She was quite grumpy."
"Yeah. She's usually not this grumpy. Wakko and I are getting kinda concerned for her. Especially Wakko."
"Ok, and when did this happen?"
"Uhhhh, I say it all began yesterday"
"Maybe you might wanna give it more time, yes? She could be stressed out from the omission and seeing you guys act while she's missing out on the fun could be upsetting to her"
I got confused by this.
"If that's the case, why does she want to watch us?"
"Maybe for support...?"
"Well, thanks for the talk, Scratchy"
"Anytime, Yakko. Now, let's get back to filming, yes?"

We finished the episode and the director shouted,
"And cut! That's a wrap!"
We were all pretty happy about the episode since it was a lot of fun! But sadly, Dot just had to say,
"About time!"
Wakko and I were confused as she said that. But it wasn't big enough of a deal from celebrating for finishing the episode. Though Wakko asked the director,
"Why would she be annoyed? She's normally happy whenever it's a wrap!"
"Remember, she's not in this episode, so she might've been annoyed by that"
"But, she would normally be happy for us! Isn't that a little bit strange?"
"Maybe it's just stress"
"Never mind..."
We exited the soundstage and headed back home for the night. As we got ready for bed, I saw Dot look at her compact. That was all I saw as I was too busy getting ready for bed. By the time I got into bed, Dot was already asleep. Wakko then whispered to me,
I whispered back to him,
"What is it, Wakko?"
"Did you see what Dot was doing with her compact?"
"No, not really. I was too busy brushing my fluff out"
"It looked like she was talking to it."
"She was?"
"Uh huh.  But like yesterday, I couldn't hear what she said. She then saw me and she quickly put it away."
"Ok, thanks for that."

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