Chapter 2

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     Hi!  Yakko Warner here.  The next day, I woke up early in the morning, before Wakko and Dot did.  That was because today was script pick-up day.  Whenever we're finished with an episode, two days after it's been complete is when scripts have to be picked up by cast members.  The days always vary, but today was Tuesday. I headed out of the water tower, climbed down, and made my way to the script department, which was a couple of blocks to the left of the water tower.  When I arrived, I saw the screenwriter on his desk, which was right past the front desk, currently working on the next script.  Me and him are good buds thanks to me picking up scripts a lot.  After hearing the department doors open, he stopped typing, looked at me, and said,
"Hey, Yakko!  You arrived just in time, I have the scripts for the latest episode all done.  Let me go get them for you and your siblings."
I replied with,
"Sure thing.  Thanks!"
"By the way, did you know this episode was originally scrapped, but we decided to bring it back because episode twenty seven is too short? Once it's done, it'll be attached to that episode for future airings."
After about three minutes, he came back with the scripts and put them on the front desk.
"Ok, here you go, Yakko.  Have fun rehearsing with Wakko and Dot!"
I picked them up and began heading out of the department while saying,
"See ya!"

     By the time I made it back to the water tower, Wakko and Dot were awake, eating breakfast.  As I came in, I said,
"Hey, siblings!  I just picked up our scripts for the latest episode. They told me that whatever the concept for this episode is was originally scrapped, but then they realized that episode twenty seven was too short. So, they brought it back to attach it to future airings once it's complete."
Wakko got excited and said,
"Sweet!  Let's get straight to rehearsing after breakfast!"
Meanwhile with Dot, who was still a bit down from yesterday, she perked up a little and responded with,
"Heh, only took them three years to notice. But it is nice that the script for it is all done.  Looking forward to rehearsing the latest episode."

     Once we were done eating breakfast, we headed outside, climbed down from the water tower, and headed to a little garden that we like to go to whenever we rehearse our lines.  As I opened my script, I told my sibs,
"Hey look, it's a game show parody!  The title of the episode is called, 'You Risk Your Life'.  So, let's make sure we're super energetic!"
As we said our lines out loud, making each other laugh, I noticed Dot kept turning her pages of the script often.  It was like she was looking for something.  She started to look nervous and she turned her pages even faster.  She closed her script and asked me,
"Um, Yakko?"
"Yes, Dot?" I replied.
"I, uh...can't find my name anywhere in this script.  I don't have any lines and I'm nowhere to be found anywhere else.  Do you and Wakko's script look like that?"
"Well, Uhhhhhh, let me check"
Wakko came in with,
"I'll check too"
Wakko and I flipped through our scripts and we were surprised too.
"Dot, you're're not in the script"
Dot was getting even more nervous and asked me,
"C-could you go ask the screenwriter why I'm not in this episode?"
"Sure thing, Dot!" I replied.

     Because we were at the garden, it took a bit longer to get to the script department, but I managed to get there.  I saw the screenwriter work on the latest script and I whistled at him to get his attention.  He noticed me and said,
"Oh, hey Yakko!  What do you need?"
I replied with,
"We were rehearsing our lines and we noticed that Dot's name is nowhere to be found.  She doesn't have any lines and she's not a background character either.  What gives?"
After I said that, I noticed that he started looking ashamed. He didn't speak for a little bit, which made me confused. He then said,
"Well, what?"
"...we're slowly gonna start omitting her"
I was taken back from what he said
"What?! Why...?", I asked.
"It's...because we got fan letters complaining about her, so we figured that the best solution was to omit her to please them.  I-I didn't want to omit her, but I had to do what they told me"
"Well, thank you for telling me. I'm gonna tell Dot this. She's not gonna be happy about this..."

Back at the garden, I told Dot what happened and she was shocked. She said,
"WHAT?! I'm being omitted?!"
"I know, that's pretty terrible for them to do. Apparently, it's because the studio got fan letters complaining about you."
I saw Dot getting sad again and she told me,
"But I don't want to be omitted! What if this omission eventually becomes me getting cut out from the show? I'm scared that's gonna happen!"
You see, Dot has a big fear of judgement, so I can definitely understand why she's scared of being omitted. Wakko and I felt bad for her again as we saw tears starting to fall down. Wakko said,
"Oh, Dot, please don't cry, wanna go back to the water tower?"
I heard Dot, who was close to crying, reply with,
"Please, Wakko. That would be nice..."
Wakko then came up to me and said,
"I'm gonna take Dot back to the water tower. I'll be right back, Yakko."
"Sure thing. That's a really nice thing to do..." I said.
As I saw Wakko and Dot walk back to the water tower, I sat down with my script and read it over again. I thought about Dot being omitted and how it doesn't make sense.
"Why would Dot be omitted?", I thought.
"This is a game show parody, right? Couldn't she have been in there as a showgirl presenting a prize or something like that? That would've been great for her!"

As I thought about all of that, Wakko came back to me about a few minutes later. I asked him,
"How's Dot doing?"
"Not so well. She's really scared about being omitted. At least she thanked me for keeping her company as she walked back to the water tower.", said Wakko.
"Well, I hope she'll be better by tonight. And when filming this episode starts in two days, I hope she'll feel better by then. I wouldn't want her to feel terrible about herself as she sees us acting without her."
"Sure thing, big brother. In the meantime, let's continue rehearsing together."
And so, we did exactly that. After a long day of rehearsing and practicing our blocking and when Wakko's gonna use his mallet, we had memorized about half the script. Tomorrow, we're gonna rehearse the second half of the script. We went back to the water tower and when we came in, I asked,
"We're home, Dot. Everything going alright?"
Dot came up to me and said,
"I guess so. I will admit, it did feel a little better spending time here. How was rehearsal with Wakko?"
Wakko replied to Dot with,
"It was great! We're halfway done with memorizing the script. We'll do the rest tomorrow."
"Oh, ok. Let's get some shut eye, it's been a long day for all of us..."
"Sure thing, Dot"

In the middle of the night, when we were all sleeping on our bunk beds, I overheard Dot sniffling. It woke me up and I went up the ladder to the middle bunk. She was not only sniffling, but tossing and turning as well.  I could tell she was still thinking about her being omitted and it was scaring her. I felt really bad for her, so I gently stroke her head with my right arm as I was still on the ladder. Just like yesterday, this made Dot feel better. She calmed down and stopped sniffling.  Once she went to sleep, I climbed back down to my bunk on the bottom and went to sleep, wondering how tomorrow will be.

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