Crying in the tub

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I stood in front of the mirror looking at my scars. I felt a tear roll down my cheek. I finished getting undressed. I sat down in the tub and started crying. I was having another mental break down. I closed the curtain on the shower. I started sobbing. I heard the door cracked open. "Layla are you okay?" I heard corpse ask. "Yah I'm fine" I sniffled. "Are you sure because it sounded like you were crying" he said. "Corpse believe me I'm fine" I said. "Ok" he said. He closed the door and left. I washed my body and hair and I grabbed a towel and dried myself off. I grabbed the clean clothes and put them on. I opened the door and walked out of the bathroom. I came to the kitchen and sat down. "Hey corpse" I said. "Yes layla?" He said. "I'm tired" I said. "Follow me I'll show you where my brdroom is, and is it alright that i sleep with you because I don't have any other beds" he stated. "Yeah that's fine" I said. I went walking to his bedroom and I crawled onto his bed. I laid down and he laid down next to me. I rolled over on my side and I got the smell of expensive cologne. It smelled fantastic. I soon fell asleep to that smell.


Hey thats it for this chapter ik its short but there will be long ones I promise. Stay sexy.

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