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     I got up out of bed and looked out the window. It was still raining. I went over to the dresser and opened it. I grabbed one of corpses shirts. It had an anime girl on it. I took off my shirt and put on the anime one. I heard a knock on the door. "Who is it?" I said quietly. "Who do you think, lay?" Corpse said. I turned red when he called me Lay. You idiot hes 23 and he's your housemate thats disgusting! "Well what do you need corpse?" I said. "I wanna know if I can come in" he said. "Sure" I said. The door opened and he looked at me weird. "What" I said. "Why are you wearing my Hatsune Miku shirt?" He said. "Because the shirt i was wearing smelled like your cologne in fact the whole bed smells like it and its giving me a head ache." I said. "Well you can always sleep on the couch" he said. "I think I might do that" I said. "Okay" he said. I walked out of the bedroom and went to the living room. I crawled onto the couch and fell back asleep. I felt someone lightly shaking me. "Mhm" I groaned. "Wake up Lay" corpse said. I started blushing. He got up close to my ear. "Layla its time to wake up~" he whispered in my ear. I popped up and punched him in the nose. "OW what the hell?!" He yelled. "It was self defense" I said. "Self defense?! I wasnt even touching you." He said. "You made me uncomfortable" I said. "Well you turned red so assumed you liked it" he said. "Shut up i didn't like it and I wasn't red!" I yelled. He smirked. But honestly I did kinda like it I just can't make it obvious. "Corpse why are you teasing me like this?" I said. "Because I find your reactions amusing." He said with a smile. "Oh really?" I said. "Yup" he responded. I got up off the couch and I walked over to him. I gave him a hug and I could feel him tense up. I could hear his heart start racing. I was so short compared to him. I was just up to his chest. Soon enough he hugged me back.

His Butterfly (Corpse X Reader)Where stories live. Discover now