Yes this is book of random anime characters.when you will read this you will have your character visual as naoka ueno from "silent voice" and your character's family is part of sugawara koushi from "haikyuu"(just imagine ueno's last name is koushi)t...
I put my backpack at my seat as i looked at the chalkboard Ishida:ueno? I looked at him Ueno:what? Ishida:didn't you and shouko come together as you guys like living together? Ueno:hey listen ishida,i would never walk with her.i never liked shouko and i still don't like her now.i was walking with her while i was with you and now i don't care because she is dea- Shouko:ueno chan?.. I looked at class entrance and sawed shouko Ueno:ew and i always hated that chan one I rolled my eyes and passed her outside class to gym Ishida:shouko are you okey? Shouko nodded,looking at my way
shouko's pov
I was walking toward my class holding my backpack while doing some hand signs.when i was about to enter the class i heard my friend's ishida and ueno's talk Ishida:didn't you and shouko come together as you guys like living together? Ueno:hey listen ishida,i would never walk with her.i never liked shouko and i still don't like her.i was walking with her while i was with you and now i don't care because she is dea- My eyes teared up Shouko:ueno chan?.. Ueno:ew and i always hated that chan one She rolled her eyes as she passed me I felt some tears falling out of my eyes.i tought she liked me as we were talking and acted like friends.. Ishida:shouko are you okey? I wiped my tears and forced smile Shouko:i am not surprised ishida kun..but why did she lied to me for 2years.. Ishida:hey don't worry about it,i am sure ueno didn't mean that Shouko:i hope so.. Ishida:lets go to gym and i will talk to ueno okey? I nodded and smiled
Back to Ueno's pov:
I sit next to kyoko as the guys started playing.i get out my phone and sawed the notification from Ueno:miki kawai?! Kyoko:everything okey there ueno? I looked at her and nodded.i open the notification and read it
From:miki kawai
"Hey ueno!goshh who know how long i tried to find you!i finally find you after 8yearss!man 8year passed since you moved somewhere else..well i also heard that you'r highschool is not to far from my highschool so i will be really happy if you come to my highschool after classes🤗"
To:ueno koushi
After i read the message i smiled to myself while grabbed the towels and my eyes escaped to gym etrance where ishida and shouko camed in.. I rolled my eyes and started giving towels to boys The last towel was to my brother Ueno:we need to talk suga I whispered to him,he nodded as we stood alone in etrance Ueno:i am adult right? Sugawara:thank goodness you find out that you are not a kid anymore ueno san He laughed as i rolled my eyes Ueno:i moving alone His eyes winded Sugawara:what?! Ueno:hey keep the voice down as- ugh whatever.i am gonna start work and buy apartment far from here Sugawara:so you leaving volleyball team? I nodded Ishida:you are what? I looked at ishida who heard me and sugawara's conversation. Sugawara:you guys talk i have to go to boys Ishida come to me and hold my waist while i just looked at waist not daring to look ishida or shouko Ishida:you are leaving because shouko?? A little anger filled inside me for no reason as i looked at him Ueno:stop acting like you are innocent are the one who started to bully shouko and now you act like nothing happend a 8year ago. Ishida:you didn't did less ueno.. Ueno:i know and that's why i have feeling of guilt.i did bullied her 8year ago but after 8year ago when i first met her i didn't act innocent like you did ishida I removed his hand from my waist and ran to directors office
After 1hour:
I was coming from my house with my and sugawara's parents were out of town for business.i was in the bus texting kawai
From:ueno koushi
"Hey kawai chan!🤗i am really happy that this message is from you!i really missed you and i coming now to be honest.."
To:miki kawai
I turn off my phone as i looked out of window but soon i heard my phone buzz I turn on the phone and sawed message from miki kawai.on the message was a address of her highschool.i put my phone on silent as i put song in earphone
At the address:
I was stading front of the highschool waiting for kawai ??:ueno?! I turn around and sawed kawai running toward me with open arms.i smiled and hugged her back as she hugged me Kawai:oh my God i missed you so much!!! Ueno:same! I broke the hug Ueno:oh you changed you hairstyle i see..and you grow much taller that you taller than me I pout as she laughed Kawai:camon lets sit on the bench and talk I nodded while sitting on the bench Ueno:so why did you change the i remember you liked two braids and glasses..hey where's glasses?! Kawai:i don't need them anymore uen She laughed and touched her hair
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Kawai:its 4th day that i felt some new feeling that made me put my hair down She giggled blushing Ueno:what feeling? Kawai:i guess its love uen... I nodded as her eyes scan my clothed bag Kawai:is everything alright? Ueno:yeah it is.i want to start a work her and start living here Kawai:omg thats so good!i live alone and may you live with me? She blushed as i giggled putting my hand on my mouth as she giggled too Ueno:i would love to kawai chan
2hour passed as me and kawai were laying on the bed and talking Kawai:so i heard that you studied with ishida and shouko.. Ueno:oh I stood little bit and sit on the bed Ueno:me and ishida were classmates to be honest.first time i met him i didn't had clue that he was in same class as me and didn't had clue that he was friends with shouko kid Kawai:is she still using hand signs and notebook? She laughed.i chuckled a bit as layed again beside her but soon i end the chuckle and turn serious Ueno:she can hear everything and talk too Kawai:nani?!thats good? Ueno:well she talks nonstop She laughed again Ueno:she talks but sometimes she still uses the hand signs hows your brother team going? Ueno:oh they are okey i guess Kawai:what do you mean by "okey"? Ueno:i mean they are not bad nor great but theres a orange haired boy named hinata who has confidence that he will be strong like little giant and by his ability i think he might be stronger than little giant and there's also a setter guy name kageyama and those two can do the quick attack and win the whole game Kawai:wow thats so awesome ueno chan! Ueno:i was their manager but i left the team Kawai:oh.. And we kept talking all day till we both fall asleep