Yes this is book of random anime characters.when you will read this you will have your character visual as naoka ueno from "silent voice" and your character's family is part of sugawara koushi from "haikyuu"(just imagine ueno's last name is koushi)t...
Shouko:nao it has been 4hours that you didn't eat this day.maybe you should came down from clouds? Ueno:hm?from clouds?i am already down silly I chuckled and went downstairs with shouko Shouko:you guys gonna start dating now? Ueno:don't knoww~ Shouko:oh I sat down between to shouko and hinata at dinning table and start eating with smiling for nonstop Hinata:you have been smiling while eating nao Ueno:really?sorry I giggled and continued eating cookies Tsukishima:leave her alone hinata,she is inlove Hinata:ooh who's that lucky guy? Ueno:its a secre- Tsukishima & other players including shouko:shouya ishida Ueno:it's not secret anymore i guess Hinata:that guy who called me kiddo? Ueno:uhum Hinata:good taste unnie! Ueno:unnie?-.-
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My face turn to "you kidding?" Face as everyone laughed about it Ueno:uh i miss bullying I stretched and put arms behind my head Shouko:the earpieces is expensive nao She said as her voice cracked,i looked at her and titled my head aside with laugh Shouko:what are you laughing about? Ueno:calm down i am not planning to bully you again Shouko:thank go- Ueno:yet I smirked Sugawara:not again ueno-.- And with that i laughed like psycho Ueno:i was just kidding,why would i bully my friend? When i said the friend word shouko's eyes were filled up with tears and smiled widely as she hugged me making me shock Ueno:uh shouko,i have to go~ Shouko:oh yes sorry She apologized as she broke the hug and wiped the tears out of her eyes.i stood up and when i was about to leave i heard my brother voice behind me Sugawara:where are you going at 8pm? Ueno:to my friends house,her mother is sick and she needs help Sugawara:you mean marry? I nodded nervously can go to shouya but come soon Ueno: i am not a kid idiot Sugawara:i am older than you and yes you are kid before turning 20years old Ueno:ugh I rolled my eyes and walked outside while i texted shouya
To:shouya ishida:
"Cute🤗so i was planning to spent more time with you,of course if you are not busy or lazy!😂if you accept it i will meet you at our first meeting after 8year in 20minutes🙋♀️"
I sent the message and walked to that was getting dark but when i was at the address i sawed ishida sitting on his bike.i smiled and walked to him,sit behind him
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Ueno:hey "big boy" I hugged him from back and smiled Shouya:big boy? He chuckled as broke the hug and stood up
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Ueno:hm?you don't like it? Shouya:no,i love it.its jus- Ueno:it doesn't seem so shouya.we just confessed to each other some hours ago and you act like nothing happened today.. Shouya:no its not like's just i am shy..
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My eyes widened and laughed Ueno:too funny..we know eachother for 13years and now you are shy?can't you find some other reason to lie,so i can believe? Shouya:nao i don't get why you are saying this even you know i am not used for nicknames.. He said as he stood up Ueno:i-i am s-orry.. Shouya:its okay i guess He walked to me and hugged me,i hide my face in his chest Shouya:i love you.. My eyes widened for a bit but i smiled as i hugged him tightly Ueno: i love you too..
I went to aperament in 2hour after me and shouya talked,laughed and hugged. I opened the door,went inside quiet,took of my shoes and started tiptoeing toward upstairs.i went inside the room and sawed everybody woken up. Ueno:right,its just 10pm-.- I rolled my eyes and sat on my bed while all of their eyes were on me Sugawara:how was the date? Ueno:ah god it was fant-shut up! I rolled my eyes with huge blush on face remembering our conversation hour ago. Ueno:are you guys doing a some magic that you are sitting in circle? Shouko:we were playing some 2lies and truth Ueno:umm I stood up,grabbed my pj's and went inside the washroom to get dressed for sleep.after i get dressed,i walked inside the room and sawed they were playing again so i just lay myself on the sleeping bag .i though i will listened to their play but i had fallen asleep right away
Next day:
I was alone in the room as they went to practice.i had day off while it was Saturday.i was sitting on the sleeping bag,with crossed legs and drawing while listening to some sad songs:drivers license by olivia rodrigo Ueno:god this drawing is so disgusting I said and throw the drawing in the thrash can.the song has ended so i can leave the room.i walked downstairs and put on the shoes and walked outside.i was walking around at my street for no reason while i was playing with my clothes.somehow i felt Ueno:i feel strange.. I mumbled to myself as i started walking toward the park as i met up with shouya accident Ueno:shouya! I waved at him with smile as he turned around me with smile on his face but soon disappeared as he hide something behind his back.i chuckled and walked to him Ueno:i missed you bab I smirked and kissed his cheek Ishida:same He smiled Ueno:may i ask what are you hiding? Ishida:its a present for my friend who was birthday today Ueno:oh I felt disappointed while i remember my birthday was in 2days. i hold his hand and we started walking toward park Ueno:how old is she or he turning to? Ishida: she is same age as you.. Ueno:great!maybe i can meet her Ishida looked nervous as i rolled my eyes with laugh Shouya:what?? Ueno:nothing its just you look so cute when you are nervous Ishida:do i? I nodded and hugged him from side Ishida:oh i see He smirked as we sat on the chair.seconds passed,seconds turned to minutes,minutes passed and minutes turn into hours while i was sitting on his lap and talked with him.i will just confirm that i was the happiest girl in the world beside him