Yes this is book of random anime characters.when you will read this you will have your character visual as naoka ueno from "silent voice" and your character's family is part of sugawara koushi from "haikyuu"(just imagine ueno's last name is koushi)t...
I closed my eyes as someone cornered me in the dark ??:hm we got us some nice dessert I opened my eyes and sawed 3man standing front off me. Ueno:who are you?? ??:oh you will find out soon daddy's girl~ He sanged the last part as i backed Ueno:leave me alone please... ??:hm
After 1hour: Ishida's pov:
I was in volleyball aperament with shouko as they were celebrating the new start Shouko:i will go to sleep as its 2am.. Sugawara:okey night shouko chan Shouko:night She said as she left to sleep.i was sitting on the couch near to front door while the boys were sitting front of me and drinking.i was really sleepy while my eyes were trying to close but i opened my eyes wide as i heard knock on the door nonstop I looked over to the door and stood Ishida:who is it?? Ueno:pleas-e o-pen the doo-r.. My eyes widend as i heard ueno's voice and i opened the door reveiling terrifying ueno who was crying hard Ishida:ueno chan I said as i hold her waist and drag her inside while closing the door shut making the guys attention toward us Sugawara:sister?! Sugawara stood up and ran to ueno Ueno:they-they tried to- oh god thank god someone was there.. She said before crying again,i hugged her as she felt down on the knees Ishida:its okey ueno.. Ueno:can i stay here? Sugawara:of course.. I looked at quite ueno who falled asleep on my chest on floor.i smiled to myself with blush Ishida:cute.. Sugawara:ishida can you bring her to the bed? Ishida:yeah yeah I nodded as i took her to bed
Next day: Back to ueno's pov:
I slightly opened my eyes revealing ishida sleeping next to me.i was about to sleep again but i stood up from bed making ishida woken up right away Ishida:wha?? Ueno:did we had that ummm... sex???? I said as he had huge blush on his face Ishida:no of course not!friends never do that... He said that with a blush on his face as i relaxed.i sat on the bed Ueno:than why are you here? Ishida:you had nightmares so i stayed here to took care of you but i fall asleep Ueno:you can had woken me up dumbass I rolled my eyes as i lay next to him again,facing again Ueno:thank you Ishida:for what? Ueno:for being in my life ishida Ishida:oh thats why fr-iends are for He blushed as i smile to myself and looked at the clock Ueno:its litterally 12pm-.- Ishida:12?! Ueno:yeah wha-oh my goddd!!! We stood up from our bed and grab the backpack and ran out.we were running as i started laughing Ishida:what? Ueno:i don't study here anymoreee Ishida:don't care lady!we are going! He yelled as he hold my hand running as i laughed
At gym:
Ueno:i can't believe i am here again.. I smiled Ishida:nor shouko believes it And with that my face turned to serious
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Ishida:sorry Ueno:whatever I rolled my eyes as i sat next to coach while ishida ran to seats and waved at me,i smiled and waved back to him Ueno:oh hey coach Coach:hey ky-ueno? Ueno:yes? He's eyes widend as i smiled and the boys walked in the center Ueno:go hinata you can fly! I stood up from my chair with clap and little whistle.hinata turned to me as a blush was on his face.i chuckled but ended soon Shouko:ueno? I looked at shouko Ueno:wha? Shouko:i- She ran to me and hugged me Shouko:i missed you still! I rolled my eyes as i had eye contact with ishida and i hugged back shouko Ueno:yeah She broke the hug as she wiped her tears and sat next to me Ueno:i missed you too shouko... I whispered to myself as shouko started talking to me with nonstop smile on her face
After practice:
Sugawara:you should stay here from now on ueno Ueno:yeah i was thinking about that suga I said as i played with my hair on our way Sugawara:i am gonna text to kawai and she will bring the clothes to haikyuu aperament I nodded Sugawara:you playing with you hair ueno Ueno:so? I laughed as we crossed the street with boys and shoko Sugawara:nothing forget it I nodded and laughed again but i turn to serious again as my eyes looked at shouko who was smiling at me
12year old ueno:hey shouko chan.if you are wearing that,it means that you can hear me? 12year old kawai:oh i have the same question shouko! Shouko smiled and nodded Ueno:cool!can you give it to me? Shouko smiled again as she handed the ear pieces to ueno 12year old ishida:hey whats that ueno?give it to me Ueno smiled as she threw the ear pieces to ishida who was standing front of open window
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Ishida catch the ear pieces and looked it Ishida:ew its disgusting! Ishida fake vomit and threw the ear pieces out of window as ueno laughed
End of flashback:
After that,she still wants to be friend with me. Sugawara:i texted kawai and she said yes I looked at sugawara as i smiled at him and nodded
After some time:
I was sitting in the living room and putting the cards as castle with hinata Hinata:1piece and we are done ueno chan Ueno:uhum I humed as reply and watched hinata putting the last card at the castle Hinata:yes! I laughed Hinata:lets break it and build it again! Ueno:no thank you! I laughed again and stood up Hinata:hm? Ueno:i am going outside Hinata:but its rain- Sugawara:she likes rains Sugawara come out to living room with smirk I smiled and went out Sugawara:you left umbrella! That sentence was the last i heard before closing the door and walk outside in rain.i was walking while i had my hands in the uniform pockets and some rain drop falling down at me but the rain drop stopped.
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i looked behind me and sawed shouko standing behind me with umbrella in her hand.i smiled but disappeared as soon i get angry I turn around to face her and throw the umbrella at her Ueno:i don't need you bloody umbrella!can't you leave me?i am bully and you are bully's target,okey?!leave me alone for once.i don't need you umbrella and i don't need you to be my friend! I stopped talking as i saw shouko cry.i put my arm at her shoulder Ueno:sorry.. That was my last word to shouko before i went toward the volleyball aperament