A day Like this could kill someone

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The guy in the pic is Alexander Moretti.


I swiftly turn to the voice I recognize as Caelix who is leaning against the door. Past him I notice a seating area with huge floor length windows allowing the sun to light up the small room. I look back towards Caelix and notice a man standing next to him who automatically makes me feel a tug in my memory. The man is dressed in a suit with a tail coat and his body even through the suit you can tell is quite fit for a man his age. He has a face of a man in his late forties, but hair of a man in his early thirties.

"Sorry dear. Has Caelix frightened you?" he says with a stern look towards Caelix who just shrugs. But his voice, his voice is of a man way older than one who is middle aged; It is very... formal. 

"A bit." I say with the same formal tone. That was weird... He smiles politely then looks towards Caelix who has this look I can't quite decipher. I get this feeling of determination to find out and find out soon. The man looks back and sighs lightly. I decide to take a chance to look around.  

"I haven't heard that voice in a long time." I hear him whisper as I look around. I automatically assume he didn't want me to hear but I did. Hearing it only made that feeling of curiosity, mixed with something else I can't put my finger on, grow. I try not to dwell for fear of it worsening, so I keep glancing all around this beautiful foyer and notice the stairs make a upside down U from the view of the front door.

From the front doors facing in you would see stairs on both sides of the foyer curving towards the door making the U, looking up you see a balcony type thing that has banister that keeps people from falling, and if you look straight up towards the very high ceiling you will notice a huge and gorgeous crystal and Silver chandelier. Funny most chandeliers are gold. Past the right side stairs is the bright lit room and past the left is a closed off room with a door that has a fancy L engraved in it. Straight ahead is a hallway that leads to someplace.

"Come now dear, we must eat." He says as he stretches out his hand. I take it as he leads me down the beautiful hallway underneath the U shaped stairs and notice the hallway has people in paintings that adorn the walls; one was covered by cloth so I made a note to ask about that later. As we keep walking the wood floor makes clacking sounds as the man's dress shoes lead the way. I reach a hand out to touch the wall but Caelix grabs my wrist and with a shake of his head lets go. I shake my head and decide not to touch the wall. My mind settles on the thought of asking him about it later. The man leads me to a gorgeous dining room with breakfast .

"Oh dear, I forgot to mention. My name is Sebastian." The man with the very fancy tone says as we stop before a beautiful cherry brown mahogany dining room table..

"No need to tell me who you are. I already know dear." he says as soon as I open my mouth. He slides a chair back and gestures for me to sit down. I do so and immediately my mouth waters at the smell of the food.

Looking up and down I smile to myself as everything seems to be what I love. All kinds of fruit on pancakes, eggs with pepper, fresh apple juice, sausage and last but not least biscuits with strawberry jam. I'm hit with another sense of nostalgia and deja vu but quickly shake it away for I do not like that feeling. It seems to only get worse the more I look around at the big floor length windows cover by sheer lavender curtains. The thick velvet dark purple curtains put on a hook. I am soon shaken from my train of thought and sight by a hand setting a plate in front of me. I travel my eyes up the arm and settle on Caelix who gave me a plate of a little bit of everything in front of me.

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