Call Me Crazy.

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A Year Later From The Flashback

"Oh my Gosh Jules you really need to stop trying to get me to go to the stupid party. You know it's not my scene." I said to my best friend who doesn't like the word "No". A strange sense of De Ja Vu washed over me but I brushed it off. We were chilling in my room drinking soda and browsing social media while she was trying to get me to go to this party for the past two hours. Its tonight and I really don't feel like getting ready for it either. I mean its 6:37 and it starts at 11:00, that's a whole freaking four and a half hours getting ready! No thank you!

"I know, but you know your crush Daniel McAverik will be there..." she said trying to convince me. It almost worked just at the mere mention of his name, but it also scared me away. You see Daniel graduated last year but still hasn't gone to college yet, so he is still in this small town of Mist Creek, New Jersey. He is nineteen and that guy all the girls fall for, He isn't a bad boy but he isn't a goody goody either. He is sweet, nice, and treats his girls with respect. So I've heard...

"Exactly" I said firmly. She just scoffed and got off of my floor to sit facing me on my bed. I turned and faced her sitting criss-cross applesauce.

"What the Hell does that mean?" She huffed out. I chuckled and sighed.

"Jules let's say I do go; I'm there, then out of nowhere I make a fool out of myself and he sees. Imagine how I'd feel!" I said to her looking down at the end. I heard her suck in a breath and then start laughing. I looked up at her like she was crazy.

"Oh my goodness Em, You can never make a fool of yourself. Even when you embarrass yourself, you're a major cutie! So, stop worrying!" she pauses chuckling to herself then says "You're a trip." I smile brightly.

"And a half," I add with a goofy smile.

She smiles and says "To the moon".

"And back" I add again.

"Like money" Jules replies.

"Make it rain!" I yell out while I pretend to blow money from my hands into the air. We laugh for a bit, then continue our social media browsing.

"So... are you going to go?" she asks with hopeful eyes.

"Sure, why not." I say slowly with a shrug. She squeals and jumps on me giving me a huge hug.

What did I get myself into...?


Four Hours Later

"OW" I yelled at Jules who was in the process of yanking my hair harshly. I'm not tender headed, it's just not the best feeling.

"Well I had to, you wouldn't stop moving. I'm doing you a favor! So stop moving!" She says calmly while I glare at her through the mirror.

"You haven't straightened your hair in forever. You always leave it curly. I'm not saying your long dark brown ringlets aren't pretty, I'm just saying sometimes you need to try something else-"

"OK Jules I get the point" I say to cut off my talkative friend. She just giggles and says "Sorry".

After another half an hour we are completely done. Jules is wearing a strapless black mid-thigh length dress with gold studs lining the sides. Her light brown hair with burgundy highlights is down in a messy yet sexy look. Her make-up and jewelry is black and gold. Her lips are blood red, which compliments her pale skin. She is wearing three inch gold heels. I on the other hand, am in a navy blue dress an inch before my knee. The dress is tight until it gets to my hips and then goes out a little bit. It has a black belt and thin spaghetti straps that wrap around my neck.

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