Where Am I?

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"Driving in this fog is a total B" the stranger sitting next to me mumbles. I look at him and roll my eyes. This guy is so weird I swear.

"What is your name?" I ask him tired of calling him stranger, guy, or the random names that I randomly think of. He glances at me for a second then turns back to the road.

"Why do you want to know?" he asked with a low voice.

"I want to know your name so I can feel better about being in a car alone with a total stranger."

"Well too bad." he says with a smirk. I scoff and look out of the window. All of a sudden I start to feel sleepy and yawn. I don't want to fall asleep in a random person's car.

"What?" I ask. He just shakes his head and focuses on the road. When the music turns off abruptly I look over at Mr. I-Smirk-All-The-Time to see him with a serious expression.

"Do you really want to know my name?" he says in a very somber voice; almost depreesed if I didn't know better. I nod waiting for his name to be said.

"Well, it's Caelix." He says quickly that somber voice gone as he turns to me to glance for a second, then turn back to the road. Holy macaroni and cheese his name is awesome. It is definitely different. I nod and look back to the window and at the seemingly endless greenery.

"It's a nice name." I state while keeping my eyes trained on the dark sky above me.

"I agree." I hear him mumble something along the lines "You used to know it once upon a time" but I doubt it was that. Well anyway, he can be so full of himself. I mean thanks isn't hard to say. I decide to leave it alone and mumble a "Mhm". After a couple of minutes I feel myself drifting away. So as I lay against the window looking at the stars I let unconsciousness take me.



"Is anyone there?"

Another hiss


"Who are you? What do you want?

A shaky laugh that if a snaked laugh that's what it would sound like echoes in this dark space. All of a sudden in the dark I see two large red eyes blink at me.

"We want you Emma, we need you. You will be ours. We will stop you before it's too late." I hear these words as hisses echoing through this dark and empty space. Then all of a sudden I hear fast slithering towards me and my heart speeds up.


I wake up with a jolt as if ice cold water splashed on me. I don't realize my surroundings so I start hyperventilating.

"Hey! Calm down." I hear a guy's voice I don't remember and look towards him startled.

"Hey. It's me Caelix. Remember, your knight in shining armor." as soon as he said that it all came flooding back to me like one big tidal wave. I slowly start to relax and sinking back in the chair taking a deep shaky breath.

"That's it. Deep breaths. What happened? Why did you freak out like that?" He asked with a calming voice. I just closed my eyes remembering the nightmare and shook my head. After that no speaking was done.

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