Twenty Eight

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Jimin packed his things like a crazy man the next morning. He was extremely troubled. This wasn't supposed to happen, at least not now. they had carefully planned everything as precisely as they could only for things to turn out like this. He couldn't think clearly as he took the first available flight straight to Seoul. He was frightened to death throughout out the journey....

As soon as he had finished his call with Jimin, Jungkook ran outside, searching his sorroundings for any signs of Taehyung. Yet nothing. There was no sign of him anywhere. He went to the security office and discovered the security man was heavily asleep. When he tried waking him up, he realized the man had been drugged. There was a white substance scattered all over his table like dust. When the man woke up, he told Jungkook how some men entered into the office with sleeping gas in the evening at six thirty and before he knew it, he passed out. He readied some security men to look for Taehyung

As he pondered deeply, Yoongi's image suddenly flashed through his mind. He was someone who  could relate with this kind of problem but then Jungkook immediately shook his head. " way. I'm not calling him"

But within some few minutes, he found himself dialling Yoongi's number. The heart was willing but the body was weak so he really couldn't help himself. Yoongi picked up at the first ring.

" called" His voice was soft and mellow

"Yoongi...I need your help"

"Is it about Taehyung? Jimin already told me"

"I'm scared something bad happened to him" Jungkook said in a whispery voice.

"Calm down. I'll be over there with the boys in a few minutes. We'll search for him together"

Jungkook did as he told and waited. Just as he said, Yoongi arrived at the dorm with Namjoon and some other members of the brotherhood. After listening to Jungkook, they searched the sorrounding places but there was no clue. They asked every body they could find about Taehyung but they all claimed never to have seen him.

"This is crazy! What the hell happened to him?" Jungkook exclaimed

They searched all night and in the morning, they were all gathered in Jungkook's room dead tired. They were contemplating whether to continue their search or invite the police when Jimin bursted in through the door with a clearly dishevelled appearance, panting heavily.

"Where's he?" He cried loudly.

The boys immediately rushed him to calm him down.

"Take it easy" Yoongi said trying to cajole him but Jimin was beside himself with grief. He sank to the ground helplessly.

"This wasn't supposed to happen" He muttered. "I was looking for means to lure the gang to Taehyung who would implant a gps on his person once the information gets to him. I was going to inform the police and get them all arrested. I had everything under"

He roughened the hair on his head "I can't believe this happened" he cried.

"How did they even know about Taehyung?" Namjoon asked.

"Someone must have told them because i don't see any reason why they could have taken him. How would they have known that Taehyung is connected to me. Besides, it would be useless to use him against me. Taehyung doesn't have my number. I use several numbers to call him..."

"But then again, he's very stubborn. He would never spill anything to them..."

Everyone was quiet letting Jimin talk.

"I think we should head to the police and see what we can do"

Jimin shook his head. "The police isn't going to help right now. Peeway gang might not hurt Taehyung now but if they sense the police around them, they won't hesitate to kill him"

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