Thirty four

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The two men looked guilty as they sat interrogated by Mrs Kim after adjusting their clothes which were rumpled from their activity. Mrs Kim was fuming.

"Why did you come back?  Taehyung was fine without you. Why did you come back?" She yelled.

"Mom!" Taehyung shouted but his mother ignored him.

"You weren't satisfied destroying his life before. You want to destroy his life again?"

Jimin bit his lips hard nearly drawing blood. Taehyung couldn't endure it anymore so he stood up.

"Enough mom. Stop it. So now you've found out, what are you going to do?"

Mrs Kim was aghast.

"Besides, why did you come here without informing me? This is my house and I'm an adult. You can't just barge in any how you like"

Mrs Kim stepped back staring at him in disbelief. "Am I the only sane person here? Does any of this look normal to you?"

She pointed at Jimin. "Because of this guy, your life nearly got ruined seventeen years ago. He claimed to love you yet where was he when you needed him. He put you in harm way because of his dirty lifestyle. You were sexually assaulted and nearly lost your life because of his own mistake..."

Jimin trembled "It will be different this time. I won't let anything bad happen to Taehyung again. I will do everything I can to protect him

Mrs Kim laughed scornfully. "Sorry but you are too late. As you can see, my son doesn't need your protection. He has everything he needs. You aren't needed. He's safer far away from you than with you"

Jimin blinked back his tears. "You have every right to be angry as a mother but I want to assure you that I will never bring harm to Taehyung. Rather, I can put my life on the line for his sake"

She scoffed. "Do you think I'll believe you? Do you really think I will sit back and let you put my son in danger again?"

"Never!" She scowled at Taehyung " Love might have blinded you, made you unable to see reasons but I will make sure you get your self straight. You have too much to loose now. You can't afford to be in a risky situation with him"

She glared at Jimin. "If you care about my son at all, you will live like you have been living this whole time, like a ghost"

"Mom! Stop it" Taehyung yelled completely enraged now.

"I was the one who went after him. I was the one who begged him to come back to me. Jimin doesn't deserve the way you are speaking to him. Apologize right now"

Mrs Kim laughed brutally. "You have lost it. You have clearly lost it. You never listen to me yet i always end up being right"

"Mark my words Taehyung, he's going to get you into bigger trouble and this time, you will finally come to realize that you were wrong for loving a devil like him"

She hissed. "Whatever this is between you two has to end for both your sakes"

Then she turned and left, the air was completely cold around them. Taehyung turned to Jimin only to witness the defeated look in his eyes. He reached out him but the other flinched.

"Jimin, don't listen to what my mother said. You know she's a very hateful doesn't matter what she thinks..."

Jimin stood up suddenly. "I just need to be alone" He muttered and left the living room. He went to the bedroom he shared with Taehyung and slumped on the bed.

The unexpected arrival of Mrs Kim brought a new wave of regret and panic over him. A part of him still felt guilty and undeserving of Taehyung's love but for his sake, he decided to move on and forget the padt but there was an emptiness within him and if he didn't fill it, he didn't think he could truly move on.

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