Thirty five

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The internet was agog when news of Taehyung's shooting circulated. However, he wasn't the one fighting for his life. It was a totally different person that no one knew about.

Jimin was immediately rushed to the intensive care center. He was shot in a very delicate area close to his chest cavity and was loosing a lot of blood. On his way to the hospital, he fainted. The shooter was apprehended while trying to escape and was immediately jailed.

Taehyung's body was stained with blood as he followed the stretcher wheeling Jimin into the hospital. The latter was unconscious, hardly breathing with an oxygen mask placed over his face. Taehyung was crying profusely totally uncaring of the cameras flashing on his face.

Jimin went into surgery as soon as he got into the hospital while Taehyung waited. He was completely shocked and crazy with anxiety. After some minutes, Mr and Mrs Kim ran into the hospital corridor with a haggard expression on her face. As soon as they saw him, they sighed in relief and hugged him tightly.

"I'm so happy you are alright. We  were so worried. We thought...."

Taehyung flinched. "Are you happy now? Are you satisfied?"

Mrs Kim kept shut and lowered her head unable to look at him. Mr Kim simply backed away

"Are you aware that Jimin is in there fighting for his life because he was trying to protect me, just to prove to you that he only means well"

Tears were pouring out of his eyes and he was choking with every word he spoke.

Mrs Kim heaved heavily, shaking her head and trembling "I was wrong. I was completely wrong. I know that now but I didn't think he would be crazy enough to do that. I didn't think...he loved you that much"

Taehyung just looked away and buried his head in his hands unable to control his emotions. He didn't want to imagine something bad happening to Jimin. The shock was still overwhelming. He also couldn't believe that Jimin really did that. He took the bullet for him. At that moment, he really didn't want to talk to his parents so he ignored them.

The surgery lasted for hours before the surgeon finally came out. Judging from his ambience, it was obvious the surgery went well.

"We've removed the bullet. Thankfully, he's out of danger but it would take some time for him to regain consciousness"

Relief washed through Taehyung's body as he smiled for the first time "That's okay. Thank you so much. Thank you...can I see him?"

"Only for a few minutes"

"Thank you so much"

Taehyung didn't wait another second. He immediately went into the ward. Jimin seemed a lot better when he saw him. Color had returned to his skin but he was still unconscious.  Taehyung sat on the chair beside him and grabbed his hand, softly stroking it.

Mrs Kim was full of regret. She didn't think Jimin was that crazy. She suddenly felt bad for treating him so unfairly all these years. she stayed behind unable to follow Taehyung to see Jimin. Suddenly, there was commotion behind her so she turned only to see the Parks rushing towards her. She blinked her eyes repeatedly when she saw them. They were dressed in expensive clothing, body guards at their tail.

"Do you see what I am seeing?" She whispered to her husband.

Mr Park nodded his head. "It's the Parks" he muttered.

Mrs Kim gulped feeling like an insignificant person when the couple stopped close to where she stood. They didn't seem to notice them as they stopped a nurse passing by and started to question her.

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