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The day had turned dark when Taehyung arrived at the address sent to him by the anonymous person. He found himself at an old building full of shining lights on the walls. Upon looking closer, it was exactly like a whore house. Taehyung started to sweat, his legs grew weak as his imagination flew to all the possible reasons why he ended up here.

He shook his head. If he takes a step into that building, all his dreams could shatter. He took a full gulp. Maybe he should just close his eyes and pretend he doesn't know anything but was that the best solution?

He stood in one spot contemplating for ten minutes before he made his decision. He walked purposely to the front door which was barred by body guards. They searched him  for a while before he was allowed inside. When he entered, he was met with a disgusting scene.

Women half naked paraded past him. Men sitting comfortably in lounge chairs laughed loudly as they drank alcohol sorrounded by these half naked women serving them. He was right. This was a whore house.

His head began to spin as he tried to make out sense of what was really happening but it was impossible. He was already starting to feel sick. Taking a deep breath, his eyes started to search for Jiyeon but he didn't see her. He began to feel a sense of relief thinking to himself that indeed it wasn't true. It was all a lie when his ears felt a pang.

He heard the voice of laughter and moaning coming from a part of the hall. He didn't inspect the entire building because he was reluctant to do so but that familiar sound made his leg move. He walked forward, following that voice till he stood in front of an open section.

That was when he saw them. They weren't even aware of his presence because they were so immersed in to each other. Jiyeon was straddling the man sitting down, her hands running across his chest as they were kissing wildly.

It was almost like Taehyung's soul had left his body. His heart was shattered into a million pieces. How much he wanted to be proven wrong. How could it all end like this. Jiyeon, his first love. The one who had kissed him on that sunny day. The one he had planned to spend the rest of his life with.

Slowly, he began to be filled with anger and resentment. He felt so betrayed but most importantly, embarrassed. Now, how on earth was he going to face Jimin after what happened between them. With fury burning through him, he yelled with as much force as he could muster.

"You Bitch!"

Jiyeon screamed jumping away from the man's body. When her eyes fell on Taehyung, her breath hitched. Her face was filled with disbelief and horror.

"What are you doing here? Let me explain!"

"No need, I can see with my own eyes what's going on here!"

Jiyeon shook her head "Please listen to me. I had no choice. My father lost his job, my mom's ill and I had to keep up with my lifestyle so..."

"So you had to sell your body cheaply to men like him!" Taehyung yelled.

The man with them frowned and held Jiyeon closer to him. "Jiyeon isn't like the other girls to me. I don't treat her like a prostitute because I really like her. I intend to marry her!"

Taehyung froze. "What?"

He stared at Jiyeon who lowered her head unable to look him in the eyes.

"What is he talking about?"

Jiyeon swallowed hard. "I'm sorry Tae...but it's true. He's my fiance"

Taehyung nearly stumbled. "No...it can't be"

"It's the truth. He met me here but somehow, he thought I was different. He has been very helpful to me. Because of him, I never have to sleep with other people again. Now, I only serve people drinks here and hang out only with him"

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