Chapter 13

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_Chapter 13_

Kai stared down at his phone feeling uneasy. Most of his day had been spent talking with Makani... She talked about what she should do about Uriah and Kai had played a few board games with her as well... Turns out Kai was not good at chess like he had thought and his friends just really sucked because he had lost at least sixteen games to Makani.

Lani had commented on how she was glad to see Kai starting to act like his old self when in reality he still felt too different. He wasn't himself and he hated it... But regardless of that, it was a good day. He felt less disassociative and more there if that made sense. The only problem was that he wasn't sure he wanted to risk Eli spoiling it.


Are you coming to the beach?

If you don't want to talk you can just tell me and I'll leave you alone

Dude, I can see that you're reading these

Whatever, I'll be at the beach until one. I hope you show up

Kai glanced at the clock to see that it was just past ten-thirty. He glanced back at the window and sighed before climbing out. The only thing that kept him from staying home was the fact that Eli was still confused... And Kai just couldn't leave somebody questioning behind like that. No matter what they did or said to Kai, they didn't deserve to go through that alone.

Kai sighed and pulled his hoodie over his t-shirt. He was still wearing his swim shorts from earlier since Kai and Makani were originally supposed to go to the beach. Their plans had changed, but Kai was just too lazy to change.

Kai felt his heart do a quick flip as he spotted Eli laying in the sand with his earbuds in. Even dressed down in a simple t-shirt and swim shorts, he looked perfect. A part of Kai wanted to join him and act like nothing had happened... The other part wanted to leave before he got hurt. But he didn't get to make that decision because Eli had already spotted him.

A smile broke out on Eli's face and he quickly stood up. For a moment, Kai almost fell for that gorgeous and crooked smile. But thinking back to the game made his eyes drop to the ground.

"You actually came..." Eli trailed off and walked over to join Kai.

"I didn't come because I like you... I came because it felt cruel to leave someone alone in such a confusing time" Kai quickly stated. If he didn't set his boundaries right away, he knew he'd get pulled in by Eli's natural charm. Eli's face fell and he glanced down at his feet.

"Right..." Eli sighed. "Look, about the party I really am sorry... I wasn't thinking and I wasn't in a good headspace and I just got freaked out-" He rambled. Kai watched Eli's hands dug into his hair and he paced back and forth for a few steps before stopping completely. "I'm just really confused right now..."

"I get it" Kai shrugged. "We've all been there but if we're going to be friends, you have to get one thing in your head: just because you're insecure, doesn't mean you get to be a dick to me" Kai scoffed.

"I get that and I'm sorry" Eli muttered. "Just seeing you with that guy and then being thrown on the spot like that... I wasn't thinking"

The Boy at the Beach [DISCONTINUED]Where stories live. Discover now