Chapter 23

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_Chapter 23_

Kai's mind was foggy as he anxiously glanced around the room. His throat felt tight and his fingers dug into the bedsheets as he tried to calm his racing heart.

Of course... I never can escape, can I?

He had fallen asleep only to find himself outside of Hayden's house again. Laying on the pavement, screaming in the background, and his vision growing blurry as he stared at his blood-covered hand. Why couldn't he just get rid of those memories? He didn't want to keep reliving them... He just wanted to leave them behind.

Kai stared up at the ceiling as he tried to blink away any forming tears. He couldn't believe he had been so stupid. He should have just suffered through his relationship with Hayden. Even better, he should have just never gotten involved with that stupid fucking red-head.

"Hey" A groggy voice groaned as Eli blinked up at him half asleep. Kai forced a winning smile and ran his fingers through the beautiful boy's hair. "What are you doing up?" Eli mumbled. His eyes were barely open and Kai was certain he wouldn't remember this in the morning.

"Nothing" Kai sighed and laid down next to Eli. His fake smile was beginning to fade into a real one as he lay face to face with his golden-skinned boy. "Come here" Kai opened his arms and Eli moved into them without any protest. His face buried into Kai's bare chest making Kai's heart flutter. Eli's arms were wrapped tightly around Kai and Kai quickly pulled Eli in closer. Things would be okay...

He tried to ignore his racing mind. He tried to ignore the screams in the back of his mind and the ache in his shoulder... Eli made it a little bit easier to forget. He made him relax... He made things good.


"Kai" Eli groaned. "It's too fucking early for this bullshit" Eli grumbled as Kai placed another kiss on Eli's neck.

"I just want a kiss" Kai whined.

"Not until I brush my teeth... And I'm not getting out of bed any time soon" Eli scoffed as he buried his face back into Kai's chest.

"Bitch" Kai grumbled as he reluctantly tightened his grip around Eli.

"And proud of it" Eli mumbled. "You are really fucking hot in the morning" He suddenly groaned into Kai's chest. A smile broke out on Kai's face and he returned to messing with Eli's hair. Kai tried to ignore his surprise. Eli wasn't a bold person... He was always awkward when it came to compliments so receiving one always sent Kai's heart racing.

"Glad you think so" Kai chuckled. "I wouldn't mind waking up to you more often..."

"No kidding... I wish you could stay over more often but my parents aren't exactly thrilled with Lani and Kahili taking in a gay kid" Eli scoffed. "They piss me off sometimes"

"You know... I'm sure Uriah wouldn't mind covering for you" Kai sighed.

"That would mean telling him... Uriah's family is super religious... I'm not sure how he'd react" Eli pulled away from Kai and sat up.

"Christian?" Kai asked as his eyebrows creased together. In Kai's experience, Christians tended to be the most vocal about their stances on the LGBTQ community and were one of the most common religions in the states. Eli shrugged and stood up. His muscles tightened before relaxing again and Kai found himself admiring all of Eli's hard work. Kai bit his lip as his eyes fell down to Eli's ass. "Where are you going?"

"Brushing my teeth" Eli chuckled. Kai didn't hesitate to grab his toothbrush and follow him.

As soon as the two boys had brushed their teeth, Eli was pulling Kai into a long kiss. Kai chuckled into the kiss, feeling his heart dance in his chest.

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