Chapter 1

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_Chapter One_

Kai's feet hit the ground with a thump as he landed in the soft grass. He glanced up at his open window, before moving his gaze toward his aunt and uncle's window. The AC let out a loud hum so Kai was certain they wouldn't hear him, but that didn't make him less uneasy.

He decided it was best to move quickly so he grabbed his surfboard and adjusted to its weight before making his way down the road. Kai wasn't used to such fresh air since he hadn't lived in Hawaii since he was a child. Florida was alright by him, but there always seemed to be too many people.

Kai knew the road down to the beach by heart. How could he not? Every time they visited all he wanted to do was go in the water. Surfing was something he had done every day after school with his friends and as much as he'd missed Florida's beaches, it was nice to have a bit more privacy.

Down the road, a right onto a dirt path and down a steep hill was all it took to reach the water. That was easily Kai's favorite part of being here. As much as he loved seeing his family, there wasn't much else for Kai to look forward to. His friends, his school, and his life were all back in Florida. Even if it had only been a few days, it felt as if it had been lifetimes since he last saw everyone.

As soon as he reached the water, Kai set down his bag and took a moment to observe the waves. To his disappointment, there wasn't a single one worth his time. Kai sighed and took his board out anyway, deciding he'd rather be in the water than go back.

He began to paddle out and felt some relief as the cool water splashed at his arms and legs. He let out a sigh and turned to lay on his back to give him a better view of the sky. Kai felt a knot build in his throat as his mind instantly wandered to him. Not only had Kai been stupid and reckless, but he had put his loved ones in danger by doing so. And all for what? Absolute shit.

Kai groaned and ran his hands through his hair. Kai had chestnut skin and dark curly hair, both of which he had gotten from his dad who was born and raised on the island. His mother, on the other hand, was a pale woman with blonde hair and green eyes. His eyes were the only thing Kai ever had in common with his mother. Everything from their appearance to their mannerisms was completely different. Kai could even recall countless times when his mother had been asked if Kai was adopted.

Kai glided his fingers through the water, silently wishing something would pull him under. Maybe then he wouldn't have to face all of the guilt he felt.

Although most people found drowning to be a painful way to die, Kai had always found that would be his ideal way to go aside from old age. At least then he could spend his remaining moments somewhere he enjoyed...

The stars twinkled above him and the water seemed to reflect their light. Kai wanted to just close his eyes and relax, but he couldn't take his eyes away from them. He took one last deep breath before deciding he'd paddle back in. He had just arrived and didn't want to push his luck with his aunt and uncle. They had graciously given him a place to stay, and he was already breaking curfew.

After what felt like seconds, Kai climbed off of his board, shivering slightly as the water reached his mid-thigh. He carried it back in before setting it down with his bag and pulling out a hoodie. After putting it on, his eyes caught someone sitting in the sand. His heart stopped for a moment as he hadn't expected anyone else to be here. He was alone when he left and everyone was supposed to be asleep.

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