Chapter 12

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February 2, 2021

Today marked the tenth week that Seokjin had been with Namjoon. Ten stressful weeks but also the happiest ones Namjoon had spent since Taehyung left.

Namjoon stayed true to his word and made up with Jungkook soon after their fight. He tried his best to be more normal around his friend, since before he was apparently acting "weird". He did enjoy the time he spent with Jungkook. He didn't mean what he said when he told Jin that he would kill him, at least he didn't think so. He only said that to scare him.

Jimin, though, he had no personal attachment to. Namjoon wouldn't hesitate to do something to him if it meant saving himself. If he caught wind of Jimin helping Jungkook discover something else about what Namjoon has been doing, he might have to pay the boy a visit.

Namjoon was lost in thought as he stood in the kitchen waiting for the water to boil for his noodles. Just for himself, of course, not Jin.

He had to admit that Jin had been behaving lately. Ever since the day of his fight with Jungkook, he hadn't shown any signs of trying to escape and did whatever Namjoon said. But Namjoon could still sense defiance in him, no matter how hard he tried to beat it out of him.

He needed some way to show Jin that he belonged to only him. His eyes fixed on the knife he'd left on the cutting board and he smirked. Maybe beatings weren't enough- maybe he needed something more permanent.


Jin was sleeping on the floor when Namjoon came in. It seemed that's all the boy did these days. Namjoon quietly got the rope that he always kept on the opposite side of the room and knelt down beside Jin, placing a small yet sharp knife on top of the table where Jin couldn't see.

Like usual, he took a few seconds to take in his beauty before running his fingers through Jin's silky hair which had just been washed yesterday.

Soon enough, Jin's eyes were blinking open, looking around in confusion before finally getting a sense of reality.

"Jin, are you mine?" Namjoon asked, trying to hide the tension behind his words.

Jin narrowed his eyes as he regarded Namjoon. Perhaps he could sense the direction Namjoon was going with the question. He turned his head away. "I don't belong to anyone," he said with a quiet yet resolute voice.

Namjoon huffed. Jin seemed to be getting braver in the way he talked to him. Was he not doing a good enough job of keeping Jin compliant?

"I have you here, trapped in my basement with no way out. You wouldn't call that ownership?" Namjoon asked. He didn't much like to acknowledge the fact that he was keeping Jin here by force, but deep down he knew the truth.

"No, I wouldn't. You can't just own another person, unless maybe when you're in a relationship but even-" Jin was cut off by a slap across the face.

"That's where you're wrong," Namjoon said, this time with a teasing tone. "And now I'll show you why."

Finally, Jin's expression showed fear. "W-what are you going to do?" Jin's voice shook as he spoke.

Namjoon ignored him and reached up to grab the knife. Jin's eyes widened upon seeing what he was holding. "Wait! Don't stab me, I'm sorry!"

Namjoon laughed. "I'm not going to stab you. What would be the fun of that? You'd just bleed out and die."

He gripped the knife and tried to use it to cut open Jin's shirt, but the boy wasn't having any of it. "What- no!" He squirmed around, making it hard for Namjoon to do what he needed. Maybe Jin wasn't as weak as Namjoon assumed.

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