C H A P T E R 4 : Puppet Train

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The train ride to the city was silent, both of them seated on opposite chairs on opposing ends of the train bench.

Ari was gazing outside the window, watching the moon and the stars while Erza sat peacefully, her eyes closed.

Out of nowhere, Ari remembered the sight her eyes beheld back in her hotel room. She couldn't deny the majesty of Erza's body as she stole a gaze from the corner of her eye.

A man approached their seats and called out to Ari, who was the only one seemingly awake. "Is anyone seated here?"

"Oh, no one in particular." Ari replied, to which was the truth."

"Then may I sit beside you?" they said.

As he began to place his things on the overhead compartment, Ari studied the man before him. She could observe that he wore a dapper outfit consisting of a black pants and a black-gold corset. He had short and curly orange hair and a chiseled face, which was clean shaven no matter how she looked at them. Finally, she looked to his eyes, a bright purple hue sparkling like amethyst jewels.

"Hello? Are you alright?" The man asked Ari.

Ari blinked as she shook her head. "Uh... Yes, I'm fine. I apologize for staring."

"It's fine. I'm used to it." The man reached out his hand to Ari as he took a seat. "I'm Alion, nice to meet you."

"Ari." She took his hand and shook them.

Alion smiled, crossing his legs. "So, may I ask where you're headed?"

"Ah, well we--"

"We're on our way to visit our friends." Erza blurted out, startling both Ari and Alion.

Ari's brow creased as she looked at Erza in confusion. Erza, however, remained looking at the debonair male.

⚠️tw: sexual assault

Alion stared in Erza's eyes, his amethyst orbs glimmering amidst the brightly lit room. "And who might this lovely person be?"

Erza stared at Alion intently. "I am Erza. Ari and I are travelling together." Erza could feel her tone soften and it confused her.

"Ah, so where were you two headed?" Alion leaned forward, his eyes seemingly shining brighter the longer Erza looked at them.

Erza pursed her lips, struggling to fight the words attempting to escape her lips. "N-Ning..g-gyo..."

Alion smirked. "Ningyo City? What a coincidence. I'm bound there too."

Erza balled her hands into fists, but they trembled. She knew there was something fishy going on, but for some reason, she couldn't quite put a finger on it.

Not until Alion chuckled, proceeding to hold Ari by her hands. "Won't you come and have a drink with me, Ari?"

Erza watched as his hands slithered to Ari's waist, all-the-more surprised when she saw the lack of reaction from Ari. Erza lunged at Alion's hand as if her body moved out of instinct. "Hey... Where do you think you're touching her?"

Alion was alarmed to see Erza attempting to pull his hand off Ari, but he sneered, feeling the weak grip Erza had on his wrist. "What's the matter? Feeling weak, are we?"

Erza's eyes widened at the realization, but her face immediately darkened. "Give her back, you imbecile."

Alion towered Erza as he stood, his arm around Ari. "She's mine now."

Erza looked at Ari, to which she noticed that Ari's eyes no longer had their green hue, but were replaced with the similar color as Alion had. This confirmed Erza's theory.

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