C H A P T E R 5 : Impostor

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The five of them turned their heads to the woman who came to their table. "Apologies for butting in, I couldn't help but overhear your conversation."

The barmaid was a purple-haired woman around her 30s wearing a white puffy hat and a beer-stained apron over her brown dress. She stood tall, but most probably only a little bit taller than Erza.

"And you are?" Erza inquired.

"As you can see, I'm a barmaid. My name is Mele. I've been in this city since I learned how to walk."

Natsu's eyes squinted at the barmaid as he began sniffing her. "You're pretty 'flat' for a girl. Are you sure you're a girl?"

Erza raised her fist to bring demise upon Natsu's face once more, until a heel came down in her hands' place. Looking towards the source, they found Ari with a deadly aura surrounding her. "I dare you to repeat what you said."

Natsu wasn't able to reply, weak groans escaping his lips as his legs twitched. He was down for the count. Gray and Happy were too shocked respond to Natsu's aid as he remained at Ari's feet.

Mele chuckled. "He's a little bit on the money though. I was born a guy, but I decided it wasn't for me. I'm actually surprised he knew. Most guys here have no idea."

"He had no right to insult you like that, even if he had the right idea." Ari responded. "He's just a big asshole. I hope you'll ignore him from now on."

"Again, I don't mind at all. I'm actually pretty happy that I got acknowledged even if it was a bit affront." Mele smiled as she brought the mugs at their table. "Anyway, welcome to Ningyo City."

Each of them thanked Mele and sat back comfortably as they began conversing about the rumors regarding the impostor in the city.

"Has there been a situation where the doppelganger and the real person was seen in the same room?" Erza inquired, tracing her fingers around the lips of her half empty mug.

Mele gave it a thought as her thumbs caressed the wooden tray sitting on her lap. "No, not that I've heard of. Or they may have happened, but most people would probably be too intoxicated to realize."

Gray stepped in. "Wow, people here are that alcoholic?"

"Yeah, pubs are usually mellow in the morning, but that's only because the drunkards are passed out and saving their energy for the big party every night." Mele brought her hand up and waved it in front of her. "But that's beside the point, I mean no one usually complains if they see two of their favorite girl dancing in front of them."

"Wait, what?" Almost all of them said in unison.

"Ah yes, did the flyer not mention that the impostor usually copies women?"

Erza reached for the flyer and immediately browsed it. "No, it didn't say. How the hell did they manage to miss that important detail?"

"It's probably because only a few people observe it."

"Have you ever been imitated, Mele? Has anyone ever told you that they saw you somewhere you didn't visit?" Erza asked.

Mele shook her head. "It never happened to me. Maybe they don't copy 'flat' women, as it were." She chortled behind her dainty hand.

"I swear I'll hit him as many times as you want as soon as he wakes up, Mele." Ari promised her.

The team talked with Mele till after the pub's morning hours; they found out a few details about the impostor, their hotspots of crime around the city and what crimes they've committed. As soon as the first wave of night customers arrived, the team was forced to leave the pub as they couldn't continue the conversation in a rowdy environment.

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